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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing 2G, I, M and S

GINGHAMSginghams n. Plural of gingham.
GINGHAM n. (Malay) a striped cotton fabric.
GUMMINGSgummings n. Plural of gumming.
GUMMING n. the use of gum.
IMAGINGSimagings n. Plural of imaging.
IMAGING n. the process of producing an image.
LEGGISMSLEGGISM n. (archaic) the character of a blackleg.
MERGINGSmergings n. Plural of merging.
MERGING n. an act of merging.
MISGAGEDmisgaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of misgage.
MISGAGE v. to gage wrongly, also MISGAUGE.
MISGAGESmisgages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misgage.
MISGAGE v. to gage wrongly, also MISGAUGE.
MISGAUGEmisgauge v. To gauge (measure) incorrectly.
MISGAUGE v. to gauge incorrectly, also MISGAGE.
MISGOINGmisgoing v. Present participle of misgo.
MISGO v. (dialect) to go astray.
MUGGIESTmuggiest adj. Superlative form of muggy: most muggy.
MUGGY adj. warm and humid.
MUGGINGSmuggings n. Plural of mugging.
MUGGING n. a street assault.
PRIGGISMpriggism n. The quality or state of being priggish; the manners of a prig; exaggerated propriety, fussiness about trivialities.
priggism n. (Obsolete) Roguery; thievery.
PRIGGISM n. prim adherence to convention, also PRIGGERY.
SMOGGIERsmoggier adj. Comparative form of smoggy: more smoggy.
SMOGGY adj. filled with smog.
SMOOGINGSMOOGE v. (Australian slang) to kiss closely, also SMOOCH, SMOODGE, SMOUCH.
SMUDGINGsmudging v. Present participle of smudge.
smudging n. The act of something being smudged.
smudging n. A stain or smear left by something being smudged.
SMUGGINGsmugging v. Present participle of smug.
smugging n. (Obsolete, slang) Something seized or confiscated; a stolen item.
SMUG v. to seize without ceremony.
THUGGISMthuggism n. (Historical) The violent acts of the thuggee.
THUGGISM n. the practices of Indian thugs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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