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There are 18 seven-letter words containing G, R, 2S and U

ARGUSESarguses n. Plural of argus.
Arguses n. Plural of Argus.
ARGUS n. (Greek) an East Indian pheasant with a long colourful tail with eyespots.
BURGESSburgess n. An inhabitant of a borough with full rights; a citizen.
burgess n. (Historical) A town magistrate.
burgess n. (Historical, UK) A representative of a borough in the Parliament.
GRASSUMgrassum n. (Scotland) Alternative form of gersum.
GRASSUM n. in Scots law, a lump sum paid in addition to rent by a person taking a lease of landed property.
GROUSESgrouses n. Plural of grouse.
GROUSE v. to complain.
GUESSERguesser n. A person who guesses; especially someone who can make a reasonable prediction from little evidence.
GUESSER n. one who guesses.
GUISERSguisers n. Plural of guiser.
GUISER n. a person in disguise; a masker; a mummer, also GUISARD, GUIZER.
GURSHESgurshes n. Plural of gursh.
GURSH n. (Arabic) a monetary unit of Saudi Arabia, also GIRSH, KURUSH, QURSH, QURUSH.
GUSHERSgushers n. Plural of gusher.
GUSHER n. a gushing oil well.
GUSLARSguslars n. Plural of guslar.
GUSLAR n. a performer on the gusla, a one-stringed Balkan musical instrument.
GUTSERSGUTSER n. a greedy person, also GUTZER.
GYRUSESgyruses n. Plural of gyrus.
GYRUS n. (Latin) a ridge in the brain.
RUGOSASrugosas n. Plural of rugosa.
RUGOSA n. (Latin) a garden rose.
SAUGERSsaugers n. Plural of sauger.
SAUGER n. an American freshwater food fish.
SIMURGSsimurgs n. Plural of simurg.
SIMURG n. (Persian) a monstrous bird of Persian fable, also SIMORG, SIMURGH.
SPURGESspurges n. Plural of spurge.
SPURGE n. a plant of genus Euphorbia, usually having a milky juice which yields powerful emetic and cathartic products.
SUNGARSsungars n. Plural of sungar.
SUNGAR n. (Pushtu) a temporary fortification, also SANGA, SANGAR.
SURGERSSURGER n. one who surges.
USAGERSusagers n. Plural of usager.
USAGER n. someone who has the use of anything in trust for another.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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