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There are 20 seven-letter words containing G, 2N, T and U

ANTIGUNantigun adj. Opposed to guns, especially widespread individual use of guns.
antigun adj. (Politics) Supportive of greater gun control, often including opposition to the idea of gun rights.
anti-gun adj. Alternative form of antigun.
BUNTINGbunting n. Strips of material used as festive decoration, especially in the colours of the national flag.
bunting n. (Nautical) A thin cloth of woven wool from which flags are made; it is light enough to spread in a gentle…
bunting n. Flags considered as a group.
DUNTINGdunting v. Present participle of dunt.
DUNT v. to strike with a heavy blow.
HUNTINGhunting n. The act of finding and killing a wild animal, either for sport or with the intention of using its parts…
hunting n. Looking for something, especially for a job or flat.
hunting n. (Engineering) Fluctuating around a central value without stabilizing.
LUNTINGlunting v. Present participle of lunt.
LUNT v. to kindle.
MUNTINGmunting n. (Architecture) Alternative form of muntin.
munting adj. (UK slang, rare) Ugly.
MUNTING n. the vertical framing piece between door panels, also MUNTIN.
NUTTINGnutting v. Present participle of nut.
nutting v. (Rare) Gaining favor or subjugating oneself.
nutting v. (Australia, New Zealand, slang) Thinking very hard or puzzling over something.
PUNGENTpungent adj. Having a strong odor that stings the nose, said especially of acidic or spicy substances.
pungent adj. Having a strong taste that stings the tongue, said especially of hot (spicy) food, which has a strong…
pungent adj. (Figurative) Stinging; acerbic.
PUNTINGpunting v. Present participle of punt.
PUNT v. to propel through water with a pole.
TANGUNStanguns n. Plural of tangun.
TANGUN n. (Hindi) a piebald variety of the horse, native of Tibet.
TUNDINGtunding n. (UK, archaic, school slang) A caning.
TUND v. (archaic) to beat, thump.
TUNINGStunings n. Plural of tuning.
TUNING n. the way in which a musical instrument is tuned.
TUNNAGEtunnage n. Alternative form of tonnage.
TUNNAGE n. a tax of so much a tun on imported wines.
TUNNINGtunning v. Present participle of tun.
TUNNING n. the act of tunning.
TURNINGturning n. (Britain) A turn or deviation from a straight course.
turning n. (Field hockey) At hockey, a foul committed by a player attempting to hit the ball who interposes their…
turning n. The shaping of wood or metal on a lathe.
UNGUENTunguent n. Any cream containing medicinal ingredients applied to the skin for therapeutic purposes.
UNGUENT n. (Latin) an ointment.
UNITINGuniting v. Present participle of unite.
uniting n. The act by which things are united; the formation of a union.
UNITING n. the state of uniting.
UNSTUNGunstung adj. Not stung.
UNSTUNG adj. not stung.
UNTYINGuntying v. Present participle of untie.
untying n. The act by which something is untied.
UNTYING n. the act of untying.
WINGNUTwingnut n. A deciduous tree of the genus Pterocarya native to Asia.
wingnut n. Alternative form of wing nut.
wingnut n. (Slang, derogatory) Someone with crazy or extreme political views (especially extreme conservative views).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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