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There are 18 seven-letter words containing G, M, O, S and U

AGAMOUSagamous adj. Having no marital partner or pair-bonded mate; being neither monogamous (pair-bonded) nor polygamous.
agamous adj. (Biology) Synonym of agamic: asexual (of reproduction: occurring without union of male and female gametes).
agamous adj. (Biology) Having no visible sex organs; asexual or cryptogamous.
EUMONGSEUMONG n. (Native Australian) an Australian acacia, also EUMUNG.
GOMOKUSGOMOKU n. (Japanese) a game played on a board of 256 squares, with fifty counters.
GOMUTISGOMUTI n. (Malay) a Malayan palm tree, yielding a black fibre, also GOMUTO.
GOMUTOSGOMUTO n. (Malay) a Malayan palm tree, yielding a black fibre, also GOMUTI.
GRUMOSEgrumose adj. (Botany) Clustered in grains at intervals; grumous.
GRUMOSE adj. consisting of clustered grains, also GRUMOUS.
GRUMOUSgrumous adj. Resembling grume; thick and lumpy; soft and semisolid.
GRUMOUS adj. consisting of clustered grains, also GRUMOSE.
GUMMOSEgummose adj. (Sciences) gummy; yielding or consisting of gum.
GUMMOSE adj. gumlike, or composed of gum, also GUMMOUS.
GUMMOUSgummous adj. Gum-like, or composed of gum; gummy.
gummous adj. Of or pertaining to a gumma.
GUMMOUS adj. gumlike, or composed of gum, also GUMMOSE.
GUMSHOEgumshoe n. A sneaker or rubber overshoe.
gumshoe n. (Slang, North America) A detective.
gumshoe v. (Slang) To act as a detective.
MOGHULSMoghuls n. Plural of Moghul.
MOGHUL n. (Persian) an important person, also MOGUL, MUGHAL.
MORGUESmorgues n. Plural of morgue.
MORGUE n. a place where dead bodies are kept for identification.
MOUSINGmousing v. Present participle of mouse.
mousing n. The act of hunting mice (or similar prey), especially by pouncing on them from above.
mousing n. (Nautical) A turn or lashing of spun yarn or small stuff, or a metallic clasp or fastening, uniting…
MUGSHOTmugshot n. Alternative spelling of mug shot.
mug␣shot n. A photograph taken of the head and shoulders, often from the front and in profile, usually taken in…
mug␣shot n. (UK, slang) An unflattering photograph of a person’s face.
MUNGOESmungoes n. Plural of mungo.
MUNGO n. the waste produced in a woollen-mill from felted cloth, also MONGO, MONGOE.
SORGHUMsorghum n. A cereal, Sorghum genus and species, the grains of which are cultivated to make flour and feed cattle…
sorghum n. (Southern US) Sorghum syrup.
Sorghum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Poaceae – the sorghums, including important food crop species.
SOUMINGsouming v. Present participle of soum.
souming n. (Scotland, historical) A measure of the number of animals that can be fed on a given amount of pasturage.
SOUMING n. the act of souming.
SOURGUMsourgum n. Alternative spelling of sorghum.
sour␣gum n. Nyssa sylvatica (black tupelo).
sour␣gum n. Nyssa aquatica (water tupelo).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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