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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 18 seven-letter words containing G, M, N, O and T

AGAMONTagamont n. A cell that divides by schizogony.
AGAMONT n. in protozoans, a SCHIZONT, a mature trophozoite about to reproduce by schizogony.
AMONGSTamongst prep. Denotes a mingling or intermixing with distinct or separable objects. See usage note at amidst.
EMONGSTemongst prep. Obsolete form of amongst.
EMONGST prep. (obsolete) in the midst of, also AMONG, AMONGST, EMONG, EMONGES, EMONGEST, MONGST.
EMOTINGemoting v. Present participle of emote.
EMOTE v. to show exaggerated emotion.
GEOMANTgeomant n. A geomancer.
GEOMANT n. one who practises geomancy, also GEOMANCER.
GNOMISTgnomist n. A gnomic writer.
GNOMIST n. a writer of aphorisms.
MAGNETOmagneto n. A small magnetic dynamo, especially one that provides power to the spark plugs of a small internal combustion…
magneto- pref. Alternative form of magnet-.
MAGNETO n. a small electric generator which uses permanent magnets; specifically one used for ignition in an internal-combustion engine.
MEGATONmegaton n. A measure of the strength of an explosion or a bomb based on how many million tons of TNT would be needed…
megaton n. One million tons.
MEGATON n. a unit of explosive force.
MITOGENmitogen n. Any substance that stimulates mitosis.
MITOGEN n. a substance that causes cells to divide.
MOATINGmoating v. Present participle of moat.
MOAT v. to surround with a water-filled trench.
MOLTINGmolting v. Present participle of molt.
molting n. A molt; the shedding of skin, feathers, etc.
MOLT v. to shed feathers or fur, also MOULT.
MONTAGEmontage n. (Countable) A composite work, particularly an artwork, created by assembling or putting together other…
montage n. (Uncountable) The art or process of doing this.
montage v. (Transitive) To combine into, or depict as, a montage.
MOOTINGmooting n. The activity of taking part in a moot court.
mooting v. Present participle of moot.
MOOTING n. a meeting, the holding of a moot.
TOMBINGtombing v. Present participle of tomb.
TOMB v. to place in a burial vault.
TOMMINGtomming v. Present participle of tom.
TOM v. to engage in prostitution.
TONGMANtongman n. A member of a criminal tong.
TONGMAN n. (Chinese) a member of a Chinese tong, also TONGSTER.
TONGMENtongmen n. Plural of tongman.
TONGMAN n. (Chinese) a member of a Chinese tong, also TONGSTER.
TOOMINGtooming v. Present participle of toom.
TOOM v. to empty.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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