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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing G, L and 3O

GOOGOLSgoogols n. Plural of googol.
GOOGOL n. the figure 1 followed by 100 zeroes (10 raised to the hundredth power).
HOMOLOGhomolog n. Something homologous; a homologous organ or part, chemical compound or chromosome.
homolog n. (Linguistics) A word shared by two languages or dialects.
homolog n. (Genetics) One of a group of similar DNA sequences that share a common ancestry.
LOGBOOKlogbook n. (Nautical) A book in which measurements from the ship’s log are recorded, along with other salient details…
logbook n. (By extension) A book in which events are recorded; a journal, especially of travel.
logbook n. (UK) A record of the ownership, and licensing of a motor car.
LOGWOODlogwood n. A tree of species Haematoxylum campechianum, in the legume family, of great economic importance and…
logwood n. Any of various trees of the genus Xylosma in the willow family.
logwood n. The wood of any of these trees.
MONOLOGmonolog n. (American spelling) Alternative form of monologue.
monolog v. (American spelling) Alternative form of monologue.
MONOLOG n. a lengthy speech by one person.
MOORLOGmoorlog n. Peat obtained from below the surface of a bog.
MOORLOG n. a deposit of decayed woody material under a marsh.
NOOLOGYnoology n. The systematic study and organization of everything dealing with knowing and knowledge.
NOOLOGY n. the science of the intellect.
OLOGOANOLOGOAN v. (Irish) to complain loudly without cause.
OOLOGICoologic adj. Relating to oology.
oölogic adj. Alternative spelling of oologic.
OOLOGIC adj. relating to oology, the collection and study of birds' eggs, also OOLOGICAL.
OOLONGSoolongs n. Plural of oolong.
OOLONG n. (Chinese) a variety of black tea, also OULONG.
OROLOGYorology n. (Geomorphology, obsolete, rare) The study or science of mountains and their formation.
OROLOGY n. the scientific study of mountains, also OREOLOGY.
OTOLOGYotology n. (Medicine) The branch of medicine that deals with the ear, its structure, function and pathology.
OTOLOGY n. the science of the ear.
ZOOLOGYzoology n. The part of biology relating to the animal kingdom, including the structure, embryology, evolution…
zoology n. A treatise on this science.
zoölogy n. Rare spelling of zoology.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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