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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 8 seven-letter words containing G, L, M, O and U

ELOGIUMelogium n. A eulogy.
ELOGIUM n. (Latin) a funeral oration, also ELOGE, ELOGY.
GLAMOURglamour n. (Uncountable) Originally, enchantment; magic charm; especially, the effect of a spell that causes one…
glamour n. (Uncountable) Alluring beauty or charm (often with sex appeal).
glamour n. (Uncountable) Any excitement, appeal, or attractiveness associated with a person, place, or thing; that…
GUMBOILgumboil n. (Medicine) A small suppurating inflamed spot on the gum.
GUMBOIL n. an abscess in the gums.
LUGWORMlugworm n. Any of several species of large marine annelid worm of the genus Arenicola.
LUGWORM n. a burrowing marine worm, much used as fishing bait, also LOBWORM.
LUMBAGOlumbago n. (Uncountable) Backache of the lumbar region or lower back, which can be caused by muscle strain or a slipped disc.
lumbago n. (Countable) An episode of such backache.
lumbago v. (Transitive) To affect (someone) with lumbago.
MOGHULSMoghuls n. Plural of Moghul.
MOGHUL n. (Persian) an important person, also MOGUL, MUGHAL.
MOGULEDmoguled v. Simple past tense and past participle of mogul.
moguled adj. Covered with moguls (skiing bumps).
MOGULED adj. having obstacles on a ski slope.
MOULAGEmoulage n. The art of applying mock injuries for the purpose of training medical or military personnel.
moulage n. Casting, molding.
moulage v. To apply mock injuries for the purpose of training medical or military personnel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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