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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 14 seven-letter words containing G, 2L, S and U

FLUGELSFLUGEL n. (German) a grand piano or a harpsichord, both being wing-shaped.
GALLOUSgallous adj. Fit to be hanged; wicked; mischievous.
GALLOUS adj. containing gallium.
GULLERSgullers n. Plural of guller.
GULLER n. someone who deceives.
GULLETSgullets n. Plural of gullet.
GULLET n. the throat.
GULLEYSgulleys n. Plural of gulley.
Gulleys prop.n. Plural of Gulley.
GULLEY v. to wear a channel, also GULLY.
GULLIESgullies n. Plural of gully.
gullies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gully.
GULLY v. to form ravines by the action of water, also GULLEY.
GULLISHgullish adj. (Archaic) Foolish, credulous, simple-minded.
GULLISH adj. foolish; stupid.
LIGULASligulas n. Plural of ligula.
LIGULA n. (Latin) a tonguelike part or organ.
LIGULESligules n. Plural of ligule.
LIGULE n. a strap-shaped corolla in composite plants.
LUGSAILlugsail n. A quadrilateral sail bent upon a yard that crosses the mast obliquely; a lug.
LUGSAIL n. a four-sided sail bent to an obliquely hanging yard.
SEAGULLseagull n. Any of several white, often dark backed birds of the family Laridae having long pointed wings and short legs.
seagull n. (Orthography) The symbol  ̼ , which combines under a letter as a sort of accent.
seagull n. (UK, slang) A fan or member of Brighton and Hove Albion Football Club.
SULLAGEsullage n. The liquid discharges from kitchens, washbasins, toilets etc; sewage.
sullage n. Silt or sediment deposited from flowing water.
sullage n. That which sullies or defiles.
ULLAGESullages n. Plural of ullage.
ULLAGE v. to reckon the leakage or evaporation of.
ULLINGSULLING n. the making good of ullage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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