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There are 18 seven-letter words containing G, I, 2T and U

BUTTINGbutting v. Present participle of butt.
butting n. An abuttal; a boundary.
butting v. Present participle of but.
CUTTINGcutting n. (Countable, uncountable) The action of the verb to cut.
cutting n. (Countable) A section removed from a larger whole.
cutting n. (Countable) An abridged selection of written work, often intended for performance.
GUTTIERguttier adj. Comparative form of gutty: more gutty.
GUTTY adj. marked by courage.
GUTTIESgutties n. Plural of gutty.
gutties n. Running shoes.
GUTTY n. a solid gutta-percha golf-ball.
GUTTINGgutting v. Present participle of gut.
gutting n. (Chiefly in the plural) The remains after gutting a fish.
gutting adj. (Britain) Disheartening, crushing.
HUTTINGhutting v. Present participle of hut.
hutting n. (Historical) A hovel or slum building in parts of Asia.
HUTTING n. material for making huts.
JUTTINGjutting v. Present participle of jut.
jutting n. That which juts or protrudes.
JUT v. to project, stick out.
NUTTINGnutting v. Present participle of nut.
nutting v. (Rare) Gaining favor or subjugating oneself.
nutting v. (Australia, New Zealand, slang) Thinking very hard or puzzling over something.
PUTTINGputting v. Present participle of put.
putting n. (Obsolete) Instigation or incitement; enticement.
putting n. The action or result of the verb put.
RUTTINGrutting v. Present participle of rut.
rutting n. (Zoology) Pairing; the period of time when certain ungulates mate.
RUTTING n. the act of sexual congress, esp. of animals.
TATUINGtatuing v. Present participle of tatu.
TATU v. to mark the skin in this way, also TATTOO, TATTOW.
TAUTINGtauting v. Present participle of taut.
TAUT v. (Scots) to mat, tangle, also TAWT.
TOUTINGtouting v. Present participle of tout.
touting n. The act of one who touts.
TOUT v. to solicit brazenly.
TUFTINGtufting v. Present participle of tuft.
tufting n. A tuft.
tufting n. A type of stitching passing through a quilt or mattress to hold the filling in place. See tuft for images.
TURGITEturgite n. (Mineralogy) A ferric hydrate, 2Fe2O3H2O, closely related to hematite and limonite.
TURGITE n. an iron ore.
TUTSINGTUTS v. (Scots) to say tut, also TUT.
TUTTINGtutting v. Present participle of tut.
tutting n. The act of making a tut sound in disapproval.
TUTTING n. the act of tutting.
UPTIGHTuptight adj. (Colloquial) Excessively concerned with rules and order, always serious.
uptight adj. Emotionally repressed; nervous and tense.
uptight adj. (Colloquial) Sexually repressed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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