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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 9 seven-letter words containing G, I, P and 2R

GRAPIERgrapier adj. Comparative form of grapey: more grapey.
GRAPY adj. resembling grapes, also GRAPEY.
GRIPERSgripers n. Plural of griper.
GRIPER n. one who gripes.
GRIPIERGRIPEY adj. causing sharp pains in the bowels, also GRIPY.
GRIPPERgripper n. A person or thing that grips something.
gripper n. A cover on the handle of a bicycle, tool, etc, that makes it easier to grip.
gripper n. (Curling) A rubber or other material attached to a curling shoe to improve traction on the ice.
PARRINGparring v. Present participle of par.
PAR v. to score a certain number of golf strokes.
PORRIGOporrigo n. (Medicine, obsolete) Any of various skin diseases.
PORRIGO n. (Latin) a kind of scalp disease.
PRIGGERPRIGGER n. one who prigs, a thief.
PRURIGOprurigo n. (Medicine) A papular disease of the skin, with intense itching as the main symptom.
PRURIGO n. (Latin) a chronic skin condition characterized by itching and the presence of small pale pimples.
PURRINGpurring v. Present participle of purr.
purring n. A sound that purrs.
purring n. (Sports) Synonym of shin-kicking.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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