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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 19 seven-letter words containing G, I, L, M and U

BLUMINGBLUME v. to blossom.
CULMINGCULM v. to form a culm.
ELOGIUMelogium n. A eulogy.
ELOGIUM n. (Latin) a funeral oration, also ELOGE, ELOGY.
EMULINGemuling v. Present participle of emule.
EMULE v. (Southey) to emulate, also AEMULE, EMULATE.
FLUMINGfluming v. Present participle of flume.
FLUME v. to convey by an artificial water channel.
GALLIUMgallium n. A chemical element (symbol Ga) with an atomic number of 31; a soft bluish metal.
GALLIUM n. a rare metallic element, found in certain zinc ores.
GUMBOILgumboil n. (Medicine) A small suppurating inflamed spot on the gum.
GUMBOIL n. an abscess in the gums.
GUMLIKEgumlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of gum.
GUMLIKE adj. resembling gum.
GUMLINEgumline n. The line along the top of the gums, where they meet the surface of the teeth.
GUMLINE n. the edge of the gums meeting the teeth.
GUMMILYgummily adv. In a gummy fashion.
GUMMY adv. resembling gum.
LEGUMINlegumin n. (Biochemistry, organic chemistry) Any of a group of globulins, resembling casein, found mostly in legumes and grains.
LEGUMIN n. a plant protein obtained from peas, beans, lentils, etc.
LIGNUMSlignums n. Plural of lignum.
LIGNUM n. (Latin) the fragrant wood of several shrubs and trees.
LUMPINGlumping v. Present participle of lump.
lumping adj. Bulky; heavy.
lumping n. The act or result of lumping things together.
MAULINGmauling n. An instance of something being mauled.
mauling v. Present participle of maul.
MAULING n. the act of handling roughly.
MUGGILYmuggily adv. In a muggy way.
MUGGY adv. warm and humid.
MULLINGmulling v. Present participle of mull.
mulling n. The act of one who mulls or thinks over something.
MULL v. to ponder.
MURLINGMURL v. (Scots) to crumble.
PLAGIUMplagium n. (Scots Law) abduction, especially of a child.
PLAGIUM n. (Latin) the crime of kidnapping.
PLUMINGpluming v. Present participle of plume.
pluming n. The act by which something is plumed.
PLUME v. to cover with feathers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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