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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing G, 2I, O and S

GLIOSISgliosis n. (Pathology) A proliferation of astrocytes in damaged areas of the central nervous system. This proliferation…
GLIOSIS n. excessive growth of fibrous tissues in the neuroglia.
GOBIIDSgobiids n. Plural of gobiid.
GOBIID n. a fish of the goby family, also GOBIOID.
HOISINGhoising v. Present participle of hoise.
HOISE v. to hoist.
INDIGOSindigos n. Plural of indigo.
INDIGO n. a blue dye.
ISOGRIVisogriv n. A line on a map or chart which joins points of equal grivation, that is, equal angle between grid north…
ISOGRIV n. a map line indicating equal grid variation.
NOISINGnoising v. Present participle of noise.
NOISE v. to spread as a rumour or report.
OLIGISToligist n. (Mineralogy) Hematite or specular iron ore.
OLIGIST n. crystallized haematite.
ORIGINSorigins n. Plural of origin.
ORIGIN n. a coming into being.
POISINGpoising v. Present participle of poise.
poising n. The act by which something is poised.
POISE v. to hold in a state of equilibrium.
SIGMOIDsigmoid adj. (Archaic) Semi-circular, like the uncial or lunar sigma (similar to English C).
sigmoid adj. Curved in two directions, like the letter "S", or the Greek ς (sigma); having a serpentine shape.
sigmoid adj. (Anatomy) Relating to the sigmoid colon.
SIGNIORsignior n. Alternative form of signor.
SIGNIOR n. (Italian) an Italian title of courtesy for a man, also SIGNOR, SIGNORE.
SIGNORIsignori n. Plural of signor.
SIGNORE n. (Italian) an Italian title of courtesy for a man, also SIGNOR, SIGNIOR.
SILOINGsiloing v. Present participle of silo.
siloing n. The practice of using silos; the action of the verb to silo.
SILO v. to store in a large cylindrical structure.
SOILINGsoiling v. Present participle of soil.
soiling n. An act of making dirty.
SOILING n. the act of soiling.
YOGINISyoginis n. Plural of yogini.
YOGINI n. a female yogi.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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