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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing G, 2I, O and R

GIRONICGIRONIC adj. in the shape of a gyron, also GIRONNY, GYRONIC, GYRONNY.
IGNITORignitor n. Alternative spelling of igniter.
IGNITOR n. someone who or something that ignites, e.g. an apparatus for firing an explosive or explosive mixture, also IGNITER.
IRONINGironing v. Present participle of iron.
ironing n. The act of pressing clothes with an iron.
ironing n. Laundry that has been washed and is ready to be ironed.
ISOGRIVisogriv n. A line on a map or chart which joins points of equal grivation, that is, equal angle between grid north…
ISOGRIV n. a map line indicating equal grid variation.
LIGROINligroin n. (Archaic) A petroleum fraction boiling 75°-125°C used as a solvent and fuel.
LIGROIN n. (tradename) a name applied to some of the volatile products obtained in refining crude petroleum, also LIGROINE.
ORIGAMIorigami n. (Uncountable) The Japanese art of paper folding.
origami n. (Countable) A piece of art made by folding paper.
origami n. (Uncountable) The materials science technology that applies the art of origami to products.
ORIGINSorigins n. Plural of origin.
ORIGIN n. a coming into being.
PIEROGIpierogi n. (North America) A square- or crescent-shaped dumpling of unleavened dough, stuffed with sauerkraut…
PIEROGI n. (Polish) a small dumpling with a filling, also PEROGI, PEROGIE, PEROGY, PIROGI, PYROGY, PYROHY.
PIROGHIpiroghi n. Alternative form of pierogi.
PIROG n. (Russian) a large Russian pie, stuffed with meat, fish, eggs, or cabbage, also PEROG, PIEROG.
RIOTINGrioting v. Present participle of riot.
rioting n. A riot.
RIOTING n. the act of rioting.
ROILINGroiling v. Present participle of roil.
roiling n. The motion of something that roils; a bubbling or seething.
ROIL v. to make muddy by stirring or to disturb sediment.
ROININGroining v. Present participle of roin.
ROIN v. (Spenser) to growl, roar, also ROYNE.
SIGNIORsignior n. Alternative form of signor.
SIGNIOR n. (Italian) an Italian title of courtesy for a man, also SIGNOR, SIGNORE.
SIGNORIsignori n. Plural of signor.
SIGNORE n. (Italian) an Italian title of courtesy for a man, also SIGNOR, SIGNIOR.
TIGROIDtigroid adj. (Pathology) In a pattern resembling tiger stripes.
TIGROID adj. like a tiger.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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