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There are 20 seven-letter words containing G, 2I and 2L

BILLINGbilling v. Present participle of bill.
billing n. Amounts billed.
billing n. Accounts receivable.
DILLINGdilling v. Present participle of dill.
dilling n. (Obsolete) A darling; a favourite.
dilling n. (Obsolete) The youngest child.
FILLINGfilling v. Present participle of fill.
filling adj. Of food, that satisfies the appetite by filling the stomach.
filling n. Anything that is used to fill something.
GHILLIEghillie n. A low-cut type of shoe with decorative lacing.
ghillie n. Alternative spelling of gillie.
ghillie v. Alternative spelling of gillie.
GILLIEDgillied v. Simple past tense and past participle of gillie.
GILLY v. to act as a gilly.
GILLIESgillies n. Plural of gillie.
gillies n. Plural of gilly.
Gillies prop.n. A surname.
GILLINGgilling v. Present participle of gill.
Gilling prop.n. Two villages in North Yorkshire, England…
Gilling prop.n. A surname.
GILLIONgillion num. (Britain, rare) A thousand million, proposed as an alternative to the (now little used) British milliard…
gillion n. (Slang, hyperbolic) An unspecified large number (of).
GILLION n. a thousand million.
HILLINGhilling n. The act or process of heaping or drawing earth around plants.
hilling v. Present participle of hill.
Hilling prop.n. A surname from Old English.
ILLOGICillogic adj. Synonym of illogical.
illogic n. Lack of logic; unreasonableness; a fallacy.
ILLOGIC n. the absence of logic.
KILLINGkilling v. Present participle of kill.
killing adj. That literally deprives of life; lethal, deadly, fatal.
killing adj. (Dated) Devastatingly attractive.
LILLINGlilling v. Present participle of lill.
LILL v. (Spenser) to loll the tongue.
LILTINGlilting adj. Having a lilt; with energy, spirit and sprightliness; lively and cheerful.
lilting n. A type of lively singing without any musical accompaniment, where the tune itself is sung, often to…
lilting v. Present participle of lilt.
MILLINGmilling n. A grinding process using a mill.
milling n. The series of notches around the edge of a coin during minting so that it can be told if some of the…
milling n. A circular or random motion of a herd or a crowd.
NILLINGnilling v. Present participle of nill.
NILL v. to be unwilling.
PILLINGpilling v. Present participle of pill.
pilling n. Balls of fibre formed on clothing through usage, often called pill or pills.
Pilling prop.n. A surname.
RILLINGrilling v. Present participle of rill.
Rilling prop.n. A surname from German.
RILL v. to flow like a small brook.
TILLINGtilling v. Present participle of till.
tilling n. The act of one who tills.
Tilling prop.n. A surname.
WILLINGwilling adj. Ready to do something that is not (can’t be expected as) a matter of course.
willing n. (Rare or obsolete) The execution of a will.
willing v. Present participle of will.
YILLINGYILL v. (Scots) to entertain or delight with ale.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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