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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 10 seven-letter words containing G, H, 2N and O

CHIGNONchignon n. A roll or twist of hair worn at the nape of the neck; a bun.
chignon n. (Medicine) A temporary swelling on a neonate’s head after a ventouse-assisted delivery.
CHIGNON n. (French) a knot or roll of hair worn at the back of the head.
HONGINGHONG v. (obsolete) to hang.
HONKINGhonking v. Present participle of honk.
honking n. A sound that honks.
honking adj. (Informal) Having a bad smell.
HOONINGhooning v. Present participle of hoon.
HOON v. (Australian slang) to act loutishly.
HORNINGhorning v. Present participle of horn.
horning n. The activity of blowing the horn of a train.
horning n. The appearance of the Moon when increasing, or in the form of a crescent.
HOUNGANhoungan n. A (male) voodoo priest.
HOUNGAN n. a voodoo priest, also HUNGAN.
NIHONGAnihonga n. Paintings made in a traditional Japanese style, typically executed with brushes on washi paper or silk.
NIHONGA n. (Japanese) a Japanese style of painting, using bright colours and traditional images.
NOSHINGnoshing v. Present participle of nosh.
noshing n. (Slang) A session of eating; a feast.
NOSH v. (Yiddish) to eat snacks between meals.
NOTHINGnothing pron. Not any thing; no thing.
nothing pron. An absence of anything, including empty space, brightness, darkness, matter, or a vacuum.
nothing n. Something trifling, or of no consequence or importance.
PHONINGphoning v. Present participle of phone.
phoning n. (Informal) The act of placing a telephone call.
'phoning v. Present participle of ’phone.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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