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There are 20 seven-letter words containing G, H, I, T and U

CHUTINGchuting v. Present participle of chute.
CHUTE v. to convey by a vertical passage, also SHUTE.
GUICHETguichet n. A small hatch or grill.
GUICHET n. (French) a ticket window or similar small opening.
HINDGUThindgut n. (Biology, anatomy, embryology) The caudal part of the alimentary canal of an embryo, including the colon…
hindgut n. (Biology, anatomy, medicine) The developed counterpart in the adult: the most distal part of the alimentary…
HINDGUT n. the rear part of the alimentary canal.
HOUTINGhouting n. Coregonus oxyrinchus, an allegedly extinct European whitefish in the Salmonidae family.
HOUTING n. (Dutch) a European food fish with white flesh.
HUNTINGhunting n. The act of finding and killing a wild animal, either for sport or with the intention of using its parts…
hunting n. Looking for something, especially for a job or flat.
hunting n. (Engineering) Fluctuating around a central value without stabilizing.
HURTINGhurting v. Present participle of hurt.
hurting n. A sensation that hurts.
HURT v. to cause pain to, injure.
HUTTINGhutting v. Present participle of hut.
hutting n. (Historical) A hovel or slum building in parts of Asia.
HUTTING n. material for making huts.
QUIGHTSquights v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of quight.
QUIGHT v. (Spenser) to quit, depart from, also QUYTE.
SHUTINGSHUTE v. to convey by a vertical passage, also CHUTE.
THOUINGthouing v. Present participle of thou.
THOU v. to address as thou.
TOUGHIEtoughie n. (Informal) Something that is tough, or difficult.
toughie n. Someone or something that is strong and resilient.
toughie n. A tough; Someone or something that acts as a thug or bully.
TUGHRIKtughrik n. Alternative form of tugrik.
TUGHRIK n. (Mongolian) a Mongolian monetary unit, also TOGROG, TUGRIK.
TUSHINGtushing v. Present participle of tush.
TUSH v. to gore with a long, pointed prominent tooth, also TUSK.
UNDIGHTundight v. (Obsolete, transitive) To take off (a piece of clothing).
UNDIGHT v. (Spenser) to undo, take off.
UNGIRTHungirth v. To unfasten or remove a girth or belt from.
UNGIRTH v. to free from a girth.
UNRIGHTunright n. (Archaic) That which is not right; wrong; injustice.
unright v. (Transitive) To make wrong.
unright adv. (Archaic or obsolete) Wrongly.
UNSIGHTunsight n. Absence of sight; lack of vision.
unsight v. (Transitive, rare) To remove the sight of or from.
unsight v. (Firearms) To lose sight on a target.
UPLIGHTuplight n. A recessed light fixture that directs the light in an upward direction.
uplight v. (Transitive) To illuminate from below.
UPLIGHT v. to light to a higher brightness.
UPRIGHTupright adj. Vertical; erect.
upright adj. In its proper orientation; not overturned.
upright adj. Greater in height than breadth.
UPTIGHTuptight adj. (Colloquial) Excessively concerned with rules and order, always serious.
uptight adj. Emotionally repressed; nervous and tense.
uptight adj. (Colloquial) Sexually repressed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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