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There are 17 seven-letter words containing G, H, I, R and U

GRUSHIEgrushie n. (Scotland, historical) A Scottish wedding tradition where coins were thrown to the guests.
GRUSHIE adj. (Scots) healthy, thriving.
GUARISHguarish v. (Transitive, obsolete) To heal or cure.
GUARISH v. (obsolete) to cure, heal, also GARISH.
GUSHIERgushier adj. Comparative form of gushy: more gushy.
GUSHY adj. overly sentimental.
HUGGIERhuggier adj. Comparative form of huggy: more huggy.
HUGGY adj. sensitive and caring.
HURLINGhurling n. The act by which something is hurled or thrown.
hurling n. An Irish game of ancient Celtic origin. It is played with an ash stick called a hurley (camán in Irish)…
hurling n. A Cornish street game resembling rugby, played with a silver ball.
HURTINGhurting v. Present participle of hurt.
hurting n. A sensation that hurts.
HURT v. to cause pain to, injure.
NURAGHInuraghi n. Plural of nuraghe.
NURAGHE n. a broch-like Sardinian round tower, probably of the Bronze Age, also NURHAG.
ROGUISHroguish adj. Unprincipled or unscrupulous.
roguish adj. Mischievous and playful.
ROGUISH adj. dishonest.
ROUGHIEroughie n. Alternative form of roughy (“type of fish”).
roughie n. (Film, slang) A film portraying rough sex.
ROUGHIE n. a dry bough used as a torch, also ROUGHY.
RUCHINGruching n. Ruche.
ruching n. A strip of fabric to be ruched.
ruching v. Present participle of ruche.
RUSHINGrushing v. Present participle of rush.
rushing n. A rapid surging motion.
rushing adj. Rapidly flowing or surging.
SIMURGHsimurgh n. (Iranian mythology) A gigantic winged benevolent creature.
SIMURGH n. (Persian) a monstrous bird of Persian fable, also SIMORG, SIMURG.
TUGHRIKtughrik n. Alternative form of tugrik.
TUGHRIK n. (Mongolian) a Mongolian monetary unit, also TOGROG, TUGRIK.
UNGIRTHungirth v. To unfasten or remove a girth or belt from.
UNGIRTH v. to free from a girth.
UNRIGHTunright n. (Archaic) That which is not right; wrong; injustice.
unright v. (Transitive) To make wrong.
unright adv. (Archaic or obsolete) Wrongly.
UPRIGHTupright adj. Vertical; erect.
upright adj. In its proper orientation; not overturned.
upright adj. Greater in height than breadth.
VUGHIERVUGHY adj. abounding in vugs, also VUGGY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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