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There are 15 seven-letter words containing G, H, I, L and U

GHOULIEghoulie n. (Informal) ghoul (ghostly spirit).
ghoulie n. (Bridge) contract bridge in which only goulash hands are played (usually used in the plural).
ghoulie n. (Informal, UK, in the plural) testicles.
GLUEISHGLUEISH adj. (obsolete) somewhat gluey, also GLUISH.
GULLISHgullish adj. (Archaic) Foolish, credulous, simple-minded.
GULLISH adj. foolish; stupid.
GUSHILYgushily adv. In a gushy manner.
GUSHY adv. overly sentimental.
HAULINGhauling v. Present participle of haul.
hauling n. Haulage.
HAULING n. the act of dragging.
HULKINGhulking adj. Large and bulky, heavily built; massive.
hulking adj. Unwieldy.
hulking v. Present participle of hulk.
HULLINGhulling v. Present participle of hull.
HULL v. to separate the shell from the seed.
HURLINGhurling n. The act by which something is hurled or thrown.
hurling n. An Irish game of ancient Celtic origin. It is played with an ash stick called a hurley (camán in Irish)…
hurling n. A Cornish street game resembling rugby, played with a silver ball.
INGULPHingulph v. Obsolete form of engulf.
INGULPH v. to swallow up completely, also ENGULF, ENGULPH, INGULF.
LUSHINGlushing v. Present participle of lush.
LUSH v. to ply with alcohol.
NILGHAUnilghau n. Alternative form of nilgai.
NILGHAU n. (Hindi) a kind of antelope, also NILGAI, NILGAU, NILGHAI, NYLGHAI, NYLGHAU.
SHULINGSHULE v. (dialect) to saunter, skulk, also SHOOL, SHOOLE.
SIGHFULsighful adj. (Poetic) Full of sighs.
SIGHFUL adj. full of sighs.
SLOUGHIsloughi n. An ancient breed of domesticated dog, specifically a member of the sighthound family.
SLOUGHI n. a breed of dog, originally from NW Africa, with a smooth coat, lean body, and excellent vision.
UPLIGHTuplight n. A recessed light fixture that directs the light in an upward direction.
uplight v. (Transitive) To illuminate from below.
UPLIGHT v. to light to a higher brightness.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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