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There are 18 seven-letter words containing 2G, N, R and S

GANGERSgangers n. Plural of ganger.
Gangers prop.n. Plural of Ganger.
GANGER n. a foreman of a group of labourers.
GINGERSgingers n. Plural of ginger.
gingers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ginger.
GINGER v. (Malay) to spice up, make spirited.
GORGONSgorgons n. Plural of gorgon.
GORGON n. (Greek) a very ugly or formidable woman.
GORINGSgorings n. Plural of goring.
Gorings prop.n. Plural of Goring.
GORING n. a tapering insert of cloth.
GRANGESgranges n. Plural of grange.
GRANGE n. a farmhouse.
GRISINGGRISE v. to shudder at, to terrify.
GRUNGESGRUNGE n. dirt, grime.
NAGGERSnaggers n. Plural of nagger.
NAGGER n. one who nags, esp. a woman.
NUGGARSnuggars n. Plural of nuggar.
NUGGAR n. (Arabic) a large boat used to carry cargo on the Nile.
RAGINGSragings n. Plural of raging.
RAGING n. the act of being very angry.
SERGINGserging v. Present participle of serge.
SERGING n. a process of finishing the raw edges of a fabric.
SIRGANGsirgang n. (India, obsolete) The Asiatic green jackdaw.
SIRGANG n. a green Asiatic jay-like bird.
SNAGGERsnagger n. (Fishing) A fishing hook consisting of several hooks radiating from a centre.
snagger n. A tool for lopping superfluous branches from a tree.
snagger n. (Australia, shearing) The slowest shearer is the shearing shed; an inexpert or poor shearer.
SNIGGERsnigger n. A partly suppressed or broken laugh.
snigger n. A sly or snide laugh.
snigger v. (Intransitive) To emit a snigger.
SNOGGERsnogger n. (Informal) Someone who snogs.
snogger n. (X-Files fandom slang, derogatory) A fan who believed Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny were romantically…
SNOGGER n. one that snogs.
SNUGGERsnugger n. (Medicine) A threaded plastic tube used to clamp blood vessels during surgery.
snugger n. A ring that fits tightly around a cable, rope or wire, holding it in place or preventing leakage around…
snugger n. Moveable brackets for keeping small items secure on a shelf.
SURGINGsurging n. The action or an instance of a surge.
surging v. Present participle of surge.
SURGING n. the act of surging.
URGINGSurgings n. Plural of urging.
URGING n. the act of urging.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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