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There are 12 seven-letter words containing 2G, L, O and R

BLOGGERblogger n. (Internet) A contributor to a blog (from weblog) or online journal.
BLOGGER n. one who maintains a weblog.
BOGGLERboggler n. One who boggles.
boggler n. Something puzzling or confusing.
BOGGLER n. one who boggles or hesitates.
CLOGGERclogger n. One who, or that which, clogs.
clogger n. (Soccer, slang) A physically aggressive player.
clogger n. A maker of the shoes called clogs.
DOGGRELdoggrel adj. Alternative form of doggerel.
doggrel n. Alternative form of doggerel.
DOGGREL n. poor quality comic verse, also DOGGEREL, DOGREL.
FLOGGERflogger n. One who flogs.
flogger n. A whip.
flogger n. (Theater) A handle with strips of cloth attached, used for beating away charcoal dust etc.
GOGGLERgoggler n. One who or that which goggles.
goggler n. A carangoid marine fish (Selar crumenophthalmus) with large, prominent eyes.
GOGGLER n. a kind of oceanic fish, having very large and prominent eyes.
JOGGLERjoggler n. One who takes part in the sport of joggling (a combination of jogging and juggling).
JOGGLER n. one who joggles.
LOGGERSloggers n. Plural of logger.
LOGGER n. one who fells timber for a living.
LOGGIERLOGGY adj. sluggish, also LOGY.
SLOGGERslogger n. (Cricket) A cricketer who attempts to score runs fast by attacking every ball that can be hit.
slogger n. (Colloquial) One who hits hard; a slugger.
slogger n. (UK, Cambridge University slang) An inferior racing boat.
TOGGLERtoggler n. Something that toggles between two states or causes something else to toggle between two states.
toggler n. A machine operator who is responsible for turning the machine on and off.
toggler n. A type of fastener that has hinged wings that spread to provide a surface against which the fastener…
VLOGGERvlogger n. A contributor to a vlog.
VLOGGER n. one who keeps a vlog, a video blog.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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