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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 9 six-letter words containing G, L, N and 2O

LAGOONlagoon n. A shallow body of water separated from deeper sea by a bar.
LAGOON n. a shallow body of water, also LAGUNA, LAGUNE.
LOGIONlogion n. (Theology) A traditional saying of a religious leader.
logion n. (Specifically, Christianity) A saying that is attributed to Jesus in ancient or reconstructed texts…
LOGION n. (Greek) a saying attributed to Jesus.
LOGONSlogons n. Plural of logon.
LOGON n. access to a mainframe or server system, also LOGIN.
LOOINGlooing v. Present participle of loo.
LOO v. to love, also LOU.
MONGOLmongol n. (Dated, offensive) Alternative letter-case form of Mongol (“person with Down’s syndrome”).
Mongol n. A person from Mongolia; a Mongolian.
Mongol n. A member of any of the various Mongol ethnic groups living in The Mongolian People’s Republic, the (former)…
OBLONGoblong adj. Having a length and width that are different; not square or circular.
oblong adj. (The addition of quotations indicative of this usage is being sought:) Roughly rectangular or elliptical.
oblong adj. (Bookmaking) Having the horizontal axis of a page longer than the vertical; In landscape orientation.
OLINGOolingo n. A small procyonid resembling the kinkajou, native to the rainforests of Central and South America.
OLINGO n. (Spanish) a small mammal of Central and South America.
OOLONGoolong n. A partially fermented tea, often roasted, which combines the characteristics of green tea and black tea.
OOLONG n. (Chinese) a variety of black tea, also OULONG.
OULONGoulong n. Archaic form of oolong.
OULONG n. (Chinese) a kind of black tea, also OOLONG.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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