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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 7 six-letter words containing G, I, O, R and U

GIAOURgiaour n. (Religious slur) A non-Muslim, especially a Christian, an infidel; especially as used by Turkish people…
GIAOUR n. (archaic) a term used by Turks for an infidel, one not of their religion.
GUIROSguiros n. Plural of guiro.
GUIRO n. (Spanish) a notched gourd used as a percussion instrument in Latin America.
OUTRIGoutrig v. (Transitive) To stabilize by fitting with an outrigger.
OUTRIG v. to equip (a boat) with outriggers (projections having floats).
RIGOURrigour n. Severity or strictness.
rigour n. Harshness, as of climate.
rigour n. A trembling or shivering response.
RIGOUTrig␣out v. (Idiomatic, transitive) to provide with equipment or gear.
rig␣out v. (Idiomatic, transitive) To dress; to clothe, especially in an odd or fanciful manner.
rig␣out v. (Idiomatic, transitive) to expel the holder of an office or other position by means of rigging the election.
RUBIGOrubigo n. (Phytopathology, obsolete) rust (fungal disease of plants).
RUBIGO n. (Latin) red iron oxide.
VIGOURvigour n. Active strength or force of body or mind; capacity for exertion, physically, intellectually, or morally; energy.
vigour n. (Biology) Strength or force in animal or vegetable nature or action.
vigour n. Strength; efficacy; potency.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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