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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 9 six-letter words containing G, I, L, R and U

ARGULIARGULUS n. (Latin) a fish louse.
GLUIERgluier adj. Comparative form of gluey: more gluey.
GLUEY adj. resembling glue.
GUILERguiler n. (Obsolete) A deceiver.
GUILER n. (Spenser) a deceiver, also GUYLER.
LIGUREligure n. (Obsolete) A gemstone, supposed to have been a form of agate.
LIGURE n. a precious stone.
LURGISLURGI n. (facetious) a fictitious disease, also LURGY.
LURINGluring v. Present participle of lure.
luring n. Allurement.
LURING n. as in tape luring, the enticement and subsequent capture of a seabird by playing tape recordings of its call from beaches and cliffs.
REGULIreguli n. Plural of regulus.
REGULUS n. (Latin) a mass that forms beneath the slag in a furnace.
RULINGruling adj. That rules; predominant; chief; reigning; controlling.
ruling n. An order or a decision on a point of law from someone in authority.
ruling v. Present participle and gerund of rule.
UGLIERuglier adj. Comparative form of ugly: more ugly.
UGLY adj. not beautiful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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