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There are 16 six-letter words containing G, 2I, N and T

BITINGbiting v. Present participle of bite.
biting n. An instance of something being bitten.
biting n. (Kenya) A bite-sized snack.
CITINGciting v. Present participle of cite.
citing n. Citation.
CITE v. to quote as an authority or example.
DITINGditing v. Present participle of dite.
DITE v. (obsolete) to compose, indite.
GITTINgittin v. (Nonstandard, dialectal) Alternative spelling of gitting.
GET n. a Jewish divorce.
IGNITEignite v. (Transitive) to set fire to (something), to light (something).
ignite v. (Transitive) to spark off (something), to trigger.
ignite v. (Intransitive) to commence burning.
KITINGkiting v. Present participle of kite.
kiting n. (Banking) The act of writing a check on an account with insufficient funds, expecting that funds will…
kiting n. (Slang) The act of tampering with a medical prescription, increasing the number of pills or other item.
LITINGliting v. Present participle of lite.
LITE v. (Spenser) to alight, dismount, also LYTE.
SITINGsiting v. Present participle of site.
siting v. Misspelling of citing.
siting v. Misspelling of sitting.
TICINGticing v. Present participle of tice.
TICE v. (Shakespeare) to entice.
TIDINGtiding n. (Archaic or literary, usually in the plural) news; new information.
tiding v. Present participle of tide.
TIDING n. a piece of news.
TIEINGtieing v. (Obsolete) present participle of tie; obsolete spelling of tying.
TIE v. to fasten.
TILINGtiling n. A covering of tiles.
tiling n. (Uncountable) The act of applying tiles.
tiling n. (Geometry) A tessellation; the covering of a plane with shapes, without overlaps or gaps.
TIMINGtiming n. (Countable, obsolete) An occurrence or event.
timing n. (Countable, uncountable) The regulation of the pace of e.g. an athletic race, the speed of an engine…
timing n. (Countable, uncountable) The time when something happens.
TININGtining v. Present participle of tine.
TINE v. (Scots) to lose, also TYNE.
TIRINGtiring v. Present participle of tire.
tiring n. (Uncountable) The action of tiring.
tiring n. (Falconry) Bits of bone and tough organic material from a corpse given to hawks to abate their hunger.
WITINGwiting n. Obsolete spelling of witting.
witing v. Present participle of wite.
WITE v. (Scots) to blame, lay the blame on, also WIGHT, WYTE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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