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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 15 fourteen-letter words containing G, M, 2T and Z

ANATHEMATIZINGanathematizing v. Present participle of anathematize.
ANATHEMATIZE v. to subject to anathema, pronounce a curse upon, also ANATHEMATISE.
APOTHEGMATIZEDapothegmatized v. Simple past tense and past participle of apothegmatize.
APOTHEGMATIZE v. to speak in apothegms, also APOTHEGMATISE.
APOTHEGMATIZESapothegmatizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of apothegmatize.
APOTHEGMATIZE v. to speak in apothegms, also APOTHEGMATISE.
DESTIGMATIZINGdestigmatizing v. Present participle of destigmatize.
DOGMATIZATIONSdogmatizations n. Plural of dogmatization.
DOGMATIZATION n. the act of dogmatizing, also DOGMATISATION.
GEOMETRIZATIONgeometrization n. The use of geometrical concepts and techniques in a different field of study, or the process of making…
geometrization n. (Mathematics) The description of a space as a geometry.
GEOMETRIZATION n. the act of geometrizing, also GEOMETRISATION.
LEGITIMATIZINGlegitimatizing v. Present participle of legitimatize.
LEGITIMIZATIONlegitimization n. The process of legitimizing, of making legitimate and/or legal.
LEGITIMIZATION n. the act of legitimizing, also LEGITIMISATION.
MAGNETIZATIONSmagnetizations n. Plural of magnetization.
MAGNETIZATION n. the process of magnetizing, also MAGNETISATION.
MITHRIDATIZINGmithridatizing v. Present participle of mithridatize.
MITHRIDATIZE v. to acquire immunity to a poison acquired by taking gradually increased doses of it, also MITHRIDATISE.
STIGMATIZATIONstigmatization n. The process or act of stigmatizing.
stigmatization n. (Theology) The production of stigmata upon the body.
STIGMATIZATION n. the act of stigmatizing, also STIGMATISATION.
SYMPTOMATIZINGsymptomatizing v. Present participle of symptomatize.
SYMPTOMATIZE v. to be a symptom of, also SYMPTOMATISE.
THYMECTOMIZINGthymectomizing v. Present participle of thymectomize.
THYMECTOMIZE v. to perform a thymectomy, also THYMECTOMISE.
TRICHOTOMIZINGtrichotomizing v. Present participle of trichotomize.
TRICHOTOMIZE v. to divide into three, also TRICHOTOMISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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