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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing G, I, K, L and T

BLACKSMITHINGSBLACKSMITHING n. the occupation of blacksmith.
BREATHTAKINGLYbreathtakingly adv. In a breathtaking manner.
breathtakingly adv. To a degree that causes shock or awe; shockingly.
BREATHTAKING adv. making one out of breath.
CYBERSTALKINGSCYBERSTALKING n. the practice of using electronic communications to harass someone persistently.
EARTHSHAKINGLYearthshakingly adv. In an earthshaking manner.
EARTHSHAKING adv. of great importance or consequence.
FLOUTINGSTOCKSFLOUTINGSTOCK n. (Shakespeare) a person or thing that is flouted.
GEMUTLICHKEITSGEMUTLICHKEIT n. (German) the quality of being gemutlich; geniality; cosiness.
HALTERBREAKINGhalterbreaking v. Present participle of halterbreak.
HALTERBREAK v. to break (as a colt) to a halter.
KINESIOLOGISTSkinesiologists n. Plural of kinesiologist.
KINESIOLOGIST n. a specialist in kinesiology.
KNIGHTLINESSESknightlinesses n. Plural of knightliness.
KNIGHTLINESS n. the state of being knightly.
KREMLINOLOGISTKremlinologist n. A person involved in Kremlinology.
KREMLINOLOGIST n. one who studies kremlinology.
LAUGHINGSTOCKSlaughingstocks n. Plural of laughingstock.
laughing-stocks n. Plural of laughing-stock.
laughing␣stocks n. Plural of laughing stock.
MULTISKILLINGSMULTISKILLING n. in technologically advanced industries, the training of employees in a variety of skills.
OUTPOLITICKINGoutpoliticking v. Present participle of outpolitick.
OUTPOLITICK v. to surpass in politicking.
SHUTTLECOCKINGshuttlecocking v. Present participle of shuttlecock.
SHUTTLECOCK v. to send or toss to and fro.
STICKHANDLINGSSTICKHANDLING n. the act of manoeuvring (the puck) deftly in ice hockey.
TELEMARKETINGSTELEMARKETING n. the marketing of goods or services by telephone.
TROUBLEMAKINGStroublemakings n. Plural of troublemaking.
TROUBLEMAKING n. the act of making trouble.
UNKNIGHTLINESSunknightliness n. The quality of being unknightly.
UNKNIGHTLINESS n. the state of being unknightly.
WINTERKILLINGSWINTERKILLING n. killing by exposure to cold.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 216 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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