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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing G, M, T, U and Y

DEUTEROGAMYdeuterogamy n. A second marriage, after the death of the first husband or wife; in distinction from bigamy, as defined…
DEUTEROGAMY n. a second marriage after the death of the first spouse, also DIGAMY.
GYMNATORIUMgymnatorium n. A room, as in a school, combining the functions of gymnasium and auditorium.
GYNOSTEMIUMgynostemium n. (Botany) A reproductive structure, in some plants, formed by fusion of the stamens and pistil.
GYNOSTEMIUM n. the central reproductive stalk of an orchid, which consists of a stamen and pistil fused together.
MULTIAGENCYmultiagency adj. Involving multiple agencies.
MULTIAGENCY adj. related to many agencies.
MULTIPLYINGmultiplying v. Present participle of multiply.
multiplying n. An act of multiplication.
MULTIPLY v. to increase in number.
MUMBLETYPEGmumbletypeg n. Alternative form of mumblety peg.
mumblety-peg n. Alternative form of mumbletypeg.
mumblety␣peg n. (US) Any of several forms of a game in which a jack-knife is thrown so that it sticks into the ground…
MUTTERINGLYmutteringly adv. With a muttering sound.
MUTTERING adv. making a muttering sound.
MYSTAGOGUESmystagogues n. Plural of mystagogue.
MYSTAGOGUE n. one who teaches mystical doctrines or one who initiates others into religious cults, also MYSTAGOG, MYSTAGOGUS.
NYSTAGMUSESnystagmuses n. Plural of nystagmus.
NYSTAGMUS n. an involuntary lateral movement of the eyeballs.
POLYGONATUMPolygonatum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Asparagaceae – many herbaceous perennials including Solomon’s seal.
POLYGONATUM n. the Solomon's seal genus Polygonatum, of the lily family.
STUMBLINGLYstumblingly adv. In a stumbling way; unsteadily, haltingly.
STUMBLING adv. STUMBLE, to trip when walking or running.
TEGUMENTARYtegumentary adj. Of or pertaining to a tegument or teguments; serving as a covering.
TEGUMENTARY adj. of or like a tegument, also TEGUMENTAL.
THAUMATURGYthaumaturgy n. The working of miracles, wonderworking; magic, witchcraft, wizardry.
THAUMATURGY n. the performance of miracles.
THRUMMINGLYthrummingly adv. With a thrumming sound or vibration.
THRUMMING adv. humming, droning.
UNMITIGABLYunmitigably adv. In a way that cannot be mitigated.
UNMITIGABLE adv. that cannot be mitigated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 70 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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