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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing G, M, R, T and Z

AROMATIZINGaromatizing v. Present participle of aromatize.
AROMATIZE v. to render aromatic, also AROMATISE.
DOGMATIZERSdogmatizers n. Plural of dogmatizer.
DOGMATIZER n. one who dogmatizes, also DOGMATISER.
DRAMATIZINGdramatizing v. Present participle of dramatize.
DRAMATIZE v. to adapt to dramatic representation; as, to dramatize a novel, also DRAMATISE.
FRAGMENTIZEfragmentize v. (Transitive) To break, cut, or otherwise separate (something) into fragments.
fragmentize v. (Intransitive) To fall into or become separated into fragments.
FRAGMENTIZE v. to reduce to fragments, also FRAGMENTISE.
GEOMETRIZEDgeometrized v. Simple past tense and past participle of geometrize.
GEOMETRIZE v. to work geometrically; to show in geometric form, also GEOMETRISE.
GEOMETRIZESgeometrizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of geometrize.
GEOMETRIZE v. to work geometrically; to show in geometric form, also GEOMETRISE.
LEGITIMIZERlegitimizer n. One who, or that which, legitimizes.
LEGITIMIZER n. one who legitimizes, also LEGITIMISER.
MAGNETIZERSmagnetizers n. Plural of magnetizer.
MAGNETIZER n. something that magnetizes, also MAGNETISER.
MARKETIZINGmarketizing v. Present participle of marketize.
MARKETIZE v. to adopt a market economy, also MARKETISE.
MARTYRIZINGmartyrizing v. Present participle of martyrize.
MARTYRIZE v. to offer as a sacrifice; to cause to suffer martyrdom, also MARTYRISE.
MATRONIZINGmatronizing v. Present participle of matronize.
MATRONIZE v. to make a matron of; to make like a matron, also MATRONISE.
MEGAHERTZESmegahertzes n. Plural of megahertz.
MEGAHERTZ n. a measure of frequency, a million hertz.
METRICIZINGmetricizing v. Present participle of metricize.
METRICIZE v. to convert to metrical form, also METRICISE.
MORTALIZINGmortalizing v. Present participle of mortalize.
MORTALIZE v. to make mortal, also MORTALISE.
PRAGMATIZEDpragmatized v. Simple past tense and past participle of pragmatize.
PRAGMATIZE v. to interpret; to represent as real, also PRAGMATISE.
PRAGMATIZERpragmatizer n. One who pragmatizes.
PRAGMATIZER n. one who pragmatizes, also PRAGMATISER.
PRAGMATIZESpragmatizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pragmatize.
PRAGMATIZE v. to interpret; to represent as real, also PRAGMATISE.
RHYTHMIZINGrhythmizing v. Present participle of rhythmize.
RHYTHMIZE v. to subject to rhythm, also RHYTHMISE.
STIGMATIZERstigmatizer n. One who stigmatizes.
STIGMATIZER n. one who stigmatizes, also STIGMATISER.
TEMPORIZINGtemporizing adj. Of or relating to temporization (in its various senses).
temporizing n. The act of one who temporizes, or acts evasively.
temporizing v. Present participle of temporize.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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