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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing G, H, P, S and W

GOPHERWOODSGOPHERWOOD n. another name for yellowwood.
PLAYWRIGHTSplaywrights n. Plural of playwright.
PLAYWRIGHT n. a person who writes plays.
PLOWWRIGHTSplowwrights n. Plural of plowwright.
PLOWWRIGHT n. one who makes ploughs, also PLOUGHWRIGHT.
SHADOWGRAPHshadowgraph n. A shadow-picture; a radiograph or X-ray photograph; a sciagram.
shadowgraph n. (Physics) An optical technique of visualizing patterns of fluid flow by using differences in refractive index.
shadowgraph v. (Transitive) To outline in a shadow-picture on a screen.
SHIPWRIGHTSshipwrights n. Plural of shipwright.
SHIPWRIGHT n. a carpenter skilled in ship construction and repair.
SHOWJUMPINGshowjumping n. (Sports, equestrianism) A sporting competition where horses are ridden around a course consisting of…
show␣jumping n. An equestrian event in which a rider’s horse is jumped over an array of obstacles.
SHOWJUMPING n. a competition in which a succession of riders on horseback have to jump a series of obstacles of different kinds.
SNOWPLOUGHSsnowploughs n. Plural of snowplough.
snow␣ploughs n. Plural of snow plough.
SNOWPLOUGH n. an implement operating like a plow, but on a larger scale, for clearing away the snow from roads, railways, etc.
SPANGHEWINGspanghewing v. Present participle of spanghew.
SPANGHEW v. (dialect) to fling into the air.
SUPERGROWTHsupergrowth n. (Countable) A growth upon something else.
supergrowth n. (Uncountable) Very rapid growth.
SUPERGROWTH n. exceptional growth.
WATCHSPRINGwatchspring n. The mainspring in a mechanical watch (timepiece).
WATCHSPRING n. the spring of a watch.
WHIMPERINGSwhimperings n. Plural of whimpering.
WHIMPERING n. the act of whimpering.
WHIPLASHINGwhiplashing v. Present participle of whiplash.
WHIPLASH v. to move like a whip.
WHIPPETINGSWHIPPETING n. the sport of racing whippets.
WHISPERINGSwhisperings n. Plural of whispering.
WHISPERING n. the act of whispering.
WORSHIPPINGworshipping v. (Britain) present participle of worship.
worshipping n. An act of worship.
WORSHIP v. to honour as a divine being.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 57 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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