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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing 2G, I, T and V

ADVANTAGINGadvantaging v. Present participle of advantage.
ADVANTAGE v. to confer an advantage, a favourable condition, upon.
AGGRAVATINGaggravating v. Present participle of aggravate.
AGGRAVATE v. to make worse.
AGGRAVATIONaggravation n. The act of aggravating, or making worse; used of evils, natural or moral; the act of increasing in severity…
aggravation n. Exaggerated representation.
aggravation n. An extrinsic circumstance or accident which increases the guilt of a crime or the misery of a calamity.
AGGREGATIVEaggregative adj. By, toward, or of aggregation (the act of collecting or gathering together).
AGGREGATIVE adj. of or relating to an aggregate.
DIVULGATINGdivulgating v. Present participle of divulgate.
DIVULGATE v. (archaic) to publish.
EVAGINATINGevaginating v. Present participle of evaginate.
EVAGINATE v. to turn inside out.
GALAVANTINGgalavanting v. Present participle of galavant.
GALAVANT v. to roam about for pleasure without any definite plan, also GALIVANT, GALLIVANT.
GALIVANTINGgalivanting v. Present participle of galivant.
GALIVANT v. to roam about for pleasure without any definite plan, also GALAVANT, GALLIVANT.
GRAVITATINGgravitating v. Present participle of gravitate.
GRAVITATE v. to move under the influence of gravitation.
LAEVIGATINGlaevigating v. Present participle of laevigate.
lævigating v. Present participle of lævigate.
LAEVIGATE v. to smooth, polish, also LEVIGATE.
OVERGETTINGovergetting v. Present participle of overget.
OVERGET v. to get over, recover from.
SEGREGATIVEsegregative adj. Relating to segregation; serving to segregate.
SEGREGATIVE adj. serving to segregate.
STRAVAIGINGstravaiging v. Present participle of stravaig.
STRAVAIG v. (Scots) to wander aimlessly, also STRAVAGE, STRAYVE.
VARIEGATINGvariegating v. Present participle of variegate.
VARIEGATE v. to pattern with multicolour patches.
VEGETATINGSVEGETATING n. living like a vegetable.
VIGNETTINGSvignettings n. Plural of vignetting.
VIGNETTING n. the art of making vignettes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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