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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing G, 3N and V

CONNIVINGSconnivings n. Plural of conniving.
CONNIVING n. the act of feigning ignorance of wrongdoing.
CONVENINGSconvenings n. Plural of convening.
CONVENING n. the act of calling together.
CONVENTINGconventing v. Present participle of convent.
CONVENT v. to assemble, also CONVENE.
CONVINCINGconvincing adj. Effective as proof or evidence.
convincing v. Present participle of convince.
convincing n. The process by which somebody is convinced.
ENLIVENINGenlivening v. Present participle of enliven.
ENLIVEN v. to make lively.
ENVENOMINGenvenoming v. Present participle of envenom.
envenoming n. The act by which an individual is envenomed.
ENVENOM v. to put venom into, poison.
ENVIRONINGenvironing v. Present participle of environ.
ENVIRON v. to envelop, enclose.
INNOVATINGinnovating v. Present participle of innovate.
INNOVATE v. to introduce something new.
NONLIVINGSNONLIVING n. something not living.
NONVINTAGEnonvintage adj. Not vintage: recent.
nonvintage adj. (Wine) Not a vintage wine: not made from grapes harvested during a single year.
nonvintage n. A wine that is not a vintage wine.
NONVIRGINSnonvirgins n. Plural of nonvirgin.
NONVIRGIN n. someone who is not a virgin.
UNINVITINGuninviting adj. Not welcoming; not attractive.
UNINVITING adj. not inviting.
UNNATIVINGUNNATIVE v. to no longer be a native or inhabitant of a place or country.
VENENATINGvenenating v. Present participle of venenate.
VENENATE v. to poison.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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