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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing G, I, S, T and X

AUTOSEXINGautosexing n. The identification of the sex of newborn chicks by their physical appearance, possible with certain breeds of poultry.
AUTOSEXING n. the act of self-sexing.
AXIOLOGISTaxiologist n. A person, especially a philosopher, who studies theory of value.
AXIOLOGIST n. one who studies ultimate values.
COEXISTINGcoexisting v. Present participle of coexist.
coëxisting v. Present participle of coëxist.
co-existing v. Present participle of co-exist.
DIGITOXINSdigitoxins n. Plural of digitoxin.
DIGITOXIN n. a poisonous glycoside that is the most active ingredient of digitalin.
EXEGETISTSexegetists n. Plural of exegetist.
EXEGETIST n. one versed in the science of exegesis or interpretation, also EXEGETE.
EXHAUSTINGexhausting adj. Very tiring.
exhausting v. Present participle of exhaust.
EXHAUST v. to use the whole strength of.
EXIGUITIESexiguities n. Plural of exiguity.
EXIGUITY n. meagreness.
EXPECTINGSexpectings n. Plural of expecting.
EXPECTING n. the act of expecting.
EXPOSITINGexpositing v. Present participle of exposit.
EXPOSIT v. to expound.
EXTINGUISHextinguish v. (Transitive) To put out, as in fire; to end burning; to quench.
extinguish v. (Transitive) To destroy or abolish something.
extinguish v. (Transitive) To obscure or eclipse something.
GENETRIXESgenetrixes n. Plural of genetrix.
GENETRIX n. (Latin) a mother, also GENITRIX.
GENITRIXESgenitrixes n. Plural of genitrix.
GENITRIX n. (Latin) a mother, also GENETRIX.
MIXOLOGISTmixologist n. (Humorous) A person who creates cocktails; a bartender.
mixologist n. A disc jockey.
MIXOLOGIST n. a student of mixology, the art of making mixed drinks.
POSTFIXINGpostfixing v. Present participle of postfix.
POSTFIX v. to affix at the end of something.
SEXOLOGISTsexologist n. Someone who studies, or is an expert in, sex and sexuality.
SEXOLOGIST n. an expert on sexual behaviour.
SEXTUPLINGsextupling v. Present participle of sextuple.
SEXTUPLE v. to multiply sixfold.
TAXPAYINGSTAXPAYING n. the paying of taxes.
TEXTURINGStexturings n. Plural of texturing.
TEXTURING n. making a texture by weaving.
TRIOXYGENSTRIOXYGEN n. a technical name for oxygen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 56 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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