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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing 2G, 2L and S

ALGOLOGIESALGOLOGY n. the study of algae.
ALGOLOGISTalgologist n. One who studies algology.
ALGOLOGIST n. one learned about algae; a student of algology.
FLEDGLINGSfledglings n. Plural of fledgling.
FLEDGLING n. a young bird just fledged, also FLEDGELING.
GALENGALESGALENGALE n. the aromatic rootstock of certain East Indian plants of the ginger family, also GALANGA, GALANGAL, GALINGALE.
GALINGALESgalingales n. Plural of galingale.
GALINGALE n. the aromatic rootstock of certain East Indian plants of the ginger family, also GALANGA, GALANGAL, GALENGALE.
GALLOGLASSgalloglass n. Alternative form of gallowglass.
GALLOGLASS n. (Irish) the irregular infantry of Ireland, and the Highlands of Scotland, also GALLOWGLASS.
GALLONAGESgallonages n. Plural of gallonage.
GALLONAGE n. an amount in gallons; the rate of use in gallons.
GINGELLIESgingellies n. Plural of gingelly.
GLOSSINGLYGLOSSING adv. GLOSS, to make lustrous.
GLOSSOLOGYglossology n. The science of language; linguistics.
glossology n. (Botany) The naming of parts of plants.
glossology n. (Chiefly lexicography) The definition and explanation of terms in constructing a glossary.
GOLLIWOGGSgolliwoggs n. Plural of golliwogg.
GOSPELLINGgospelling v. Present participle of gospel.
GOSPELLING n. the act of teaching about the life of Christ.
GRUELLINGSgruellings n. Plural of gruelling.
GRUELLING n. the act of gruelling.
LEGALISINGlegalising v. Present participle of legalise.
LEGALISE v. to make lawful, also LEGALIZE.
PILLAGINGSpillagings n. Plural of pillaging.
PILLAGING n. the act of plundering.
PLUGUGLIESpluguglies n. Plural of plugugly.
plug-uglies n. Plural of plug-ugly.
PLUGUGLY n. a very ugly person.
SIGNALLINGsignalling v. Present participle of signal.
signalling n. The use of signals in communications, especially the sending of signals in telecommunications.
signalling n. (Rail transport) the signals and associated equipment required for their operation.
SLUGGARDLYsluggardly adj. Like a sluggard.
SLUGGARDLY adj. like a sluggard, a habitually lazy person.
SLUGGISHLYsluggishly adv. In a sluggish manner; responding or moving slowly.
SLUGGISH adv. slow-moving.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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