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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing G, N, U and X

DUPLEXINGduplexing v. Present participle of duplex.
DUPLEXING n. the act of making duplex.
EXCLUDINGexcluding v. Present participle of exclude.
excluding prep. To the exclusion of; not including.
EXCLUDE v. to shut out.
EXCURSINGexcursing v. Present participle of excurse.
EXCURSE v. (archaic) to digress.
EXECUTINGexecuting v. Present participle of execute.
EXECUTE v. to perform or carry out.
EXOGENOUSexogenous adj. Having an external cause.
exogenous adj. (Biology, dermatology, uncommon) Related to the exogen growth phase.
EXOGENOUS adj. originating from outside.
EXPUGNINGexpugning v. Present participle of expugn.
EXPUGN v. to take by storm.
EXPULSINGexpulsing v. Present participle of expulse.
EXPULSE v. (obsolete) to expel.
EXPUNGERSexpungers n. Plural of expunger.
EXPUNGER n. one who expunges.
EXPUNGINGexpunging v. Present participle of expunge.
expunging n. The act by which something is expunged; a deletion.
EXPUNGE v. to delete.
EXPURGINGexpurging v. Present participle of expurge.
EXPURGE v. to purge away.
EXTRUDINGextruding v. Present participle of extrude.
EXTRUDE v. to force or urge out; to expel.
OUTBOXINGoutboxing v. Present participle of outbox.
OUTBOX v. to surpass in boxing.
OUTFOXINGoutfoxing v. Present participle of outfox.
OUTFOX v. to outwit.
OXTONGUESoxtongues n. Plural of oxtongue.
OXTONGUE n. any of several plants with rough tongue-shaped leaves.
OXYGENOUSoxygenous adj. (Obsolete) oxygenic.
OXYGENOUS adj. consisting of or containing oxygen.
REFLUXINGrefluxing v. Present participle of reflux.
refluxing n. An act of boiling with a reflux condenser.
REFLUX v. to cause to flow back.
SUFFIXINGsuffixing v. Present participle of suffix.
suffixing adj. (Linguistics) Of a language, characterised by heavy use of suffixes to create grammatical forms; as…
suffixing n. The act by which something is suffixed.
SURTAXINGsurtaxing v. Present participle of surtax.
SURTAX v. to assess with an extra tax.
TEGUEXINSteguexins n. Plural of teguexin.
TEGUEXIN n. (Aztec) a large black and yellow South American lizard, also TEGU.
TEXTURINGtexturing v. Present participle of texture.
texturing n. The application of a texture to something.
TEXTURING n. making a texture by weaving.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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