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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing G, H, I and J

HIGHJACKShighjacks n. Plural of highjack.
highjacks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of highjack.
HIGHJACK v. to steal in transit, also HIJACK.
HIGHJINKShighjinks n. Alternative spelling of high jinks.
high␣jinks n. (Scotland, games, historical) An old Scottish parlour game in which people were chosen, usually by throwing…
high␣jinks n. (By extension).
HIJACKINGhijacking v. Present participle of hijack.
hijacking n. The act of one who hijacks; the seizure of vehicles.
hijacking n. The instance of such an act; the seizure of a vehicle.
JACKLIGHTjacklight n. (North America) A spotlight or lamp mounted on a car.
jacklight v. (Hunting, US, Canada) To shine a jacklight or spotlight on an animal, usually a deer, to aid in hunting at night.
JACKLIGHT n. a kind of fishing lure.
JAGHIRDARjaghirdar n. Alternative spelling of jagirdar.
JAGHIRDAR n. (Hindi) the holder of a jaghir, in Pakistan, a village or district the government and revenues of which are assigned to some person.
JARGONISHjargonish adj. Full of jargon.
JARGONISH adj. of or like jargon.
JOSHINGLYjoshingly adv. In a joshing manner; teasingly.
JUDGESHIPjudgeship n. The office or status of a judge.
JUDGESHIP n. the office of a judge.
NIGHTJARSnightjars n. Plural of nightjar.
night-jars n. Plural of night-jar.
NIGHTJAR n. a nocturnal bird with a distinctive churring call.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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