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There are 19 nine-letter words containing 3G and U

BUGGERINGbuggering v. Present participle of bugger.
buggering n. An act of buggery.
BUGGER v. to practise buggery.
CHUGGINGSchuggings n. Plural of chugging.
CHUGGING n. the act of soliciting for charity in the street.
DEBUGGINGdebugging n. (Computing) The process of finding and resolving bugs or defects that prevent correct operation of computer…
debugging v. Present participle of debug.
DEBUGGING n. the act of removing errors from a computer program.
GLUGGABLEgluggable adj. (Especially of a wine) Pleasant to drink.
GLUGGABLE adj. of wine, easy and pleasant to drink.
GRUDGINGSgrudgings n. Plural of grudging.
GRUDGING n. the act of grudging.
JUGGLINGSjugglings n. Plural of juggling.
JUGGLING n. the act of juggling.
MISGUGGLEmisguggle v. (Transitive) To spoil by rough or careless handling; handle roughly; rumple; crumple; maul; mangle or…
misguggle v. (Transitive, Scotland) To hack; slash; carve.
misguggle n. Disturbance; disorder; discord.
NUGGETINGNUGGET v. to polish shoes or boots.
PLUGGINGSpluggings n. Plural of plugging.
PLUGGING n. stuff which forms a plug.
REGAUGINGregauging v. Present participle of regauge.
REGAUGE v. to adjust the gauges of.
SHRUGGINGshrugging v. Present participle of shrug.
shrugging n. The act of one who shrugs.
SHRUG v. to raise and contract the shoulders.
SMUGGLINGsmuggling v. Present participle of smuggle.
smuggling n. An act of something being smuggled.
SMUGGLING n. the illicit import or export of goods.
SNUGGLINGsnuggling v. Present participle of snuggle.
snuggling n. A snuggle.
SNUGGLE v. to press closely together.
SQUEGGINGsquegging n. (Electronics) An irregular oscillation characterised by short periods of oscillation punctuated by brief…
SQUEGGING n. a type of oscillation in which the oscillations build up to a certain value and then stop for a time before resuming.
TUGGINGLYtuggingly adv. With laborious pulling.
TUGGING adv. pulling forcibly.
UNBAGGINGunbagging v. Present participle of unbag.
UNBAG v. to let out of a bag.
UNGAGGINGungagging v. Present participle of ungag.
UNGAG v. to remove a gag.
UNPEGGINGunpegging v. Present participle of unpeg.
UNPEG v. to remove the pegs from.
UNRIGGINGunrigging v. Present participle of unrig.
UNRIG v. to divest of rigging.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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