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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing G and 3T

GRITTESTGRIT adj. (Scots) great.
GUTTATEDguttated adj. Alternative form of guttate.
guttated v. Simple past tense and past participle of guttate.
GUTTATE v. to exude liquid.
GUTTATESguttates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of guttate.
GUTTATE v. to exude liquid.
GUTTIESTguttiest adj. Superlative form of gutty: most gutty.
GUTTY adj. marked by courage.
STAGETTEstagette n. (Canada) A party held for a woman who is about to be married.
STAGETTE n. a young unmarried profession woman.
STETTINGstetting v. Present participle of stet.
STET v. (Latin) to cancel a previously made printing correction.
STOTTINGstotting v. Present participle of stot.
STOTT v. to bound with a stiff gait, also STOT.
TATTINGStattings n. Plural of tatting.
TATTING n. delicate handmade lace.
TATTLINGtattling v. Present participle of tattle.
tattling n. The speech of one who tattles.
TATTLING adj. taletelling.
TIGHTESTtightest adj. Superlative form of tight: most tight.
TIGHT adj. firmly or closely fixed in place.
TITTLINGtittling v. Present participle of tittle.
TITTLE v. to whisper, talk.
TOTTINGStottings n. Plural of totting.
TOTTING n. the recycling of refuse.
TOTTRINGTOTTRING adj. (Shakespeare) hanging in rag.
TROTTINGtrotting adj. Of an animal that trots.
trotting n. The action of the verb trot.
trotting v. Present participle of trot.
TUTTINGStuttings n. Plural of tutting.
TUTTING n. the act of tutting.
TWATTINGtwatting v. Present participle of twat.
twatting adj. (UK, slang, vulgar) damned; blasted; contemptible.
TWAT v. (slang) to strike violently.
TWITTINGtwitting v. Present participle of twit.
twitting n. The act of one who twits or teases.
TWITTING n. the act of twitting, upbraiding.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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