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There are 17 eight-letter words containing G, Q, R and U

GRECQUESgrecques n. Plural of grecque.
GRECQUE n. (French) a fret pattern in architecture.
JERQUINGjerquing n. (UK, archaic) The searching of a ship for unentered goods.
JERQUING n. a search for contraband, also JERKING.
QUADRIGAquadriga n. (Historical) A Roman racing chariot drawn by four horses abreast.
quadriga n. (Historical) A team of four horses, or sometimes other animals, especially as used in chariot racing.
QUADRIGA n. (Latin) a four-horse chariot.
QUAGGIERquaggier adj. Comparative form of quaggy: more quaggy.
QUAGGY adj. boggy, like a quagmire.
QUAGMIREquagmire n. A swampy, soggy area of ground.
quagmire n. (Figuratively) A perilous, mixed up and troubled situation; a hopeless tangle.
quagmire v. (Transitive) To embroil (A person, etc.) in complexity or difficulty.
QUAGMIRYquagmiry adj. Like a quagmire.
QUAGMIRY adj. like a quagmire, boggy.
QUEERINGqueering v. Present participle of queer.
queering n. (LGBT, social sciences) The process by which something is queered.
QUEER v. to spoil, to put someone in a difficult position.
QUERYINGquerying v. Present participle of query.
querying adj. Questioning, or prone to asking questions.
querying n. The act of making a query.
QUIRKINGquirking v. Present participle of quirk.
QUIRK v. to move jerkily.
QUIRTINGquirting v. Present participle of quirt.
QUIRT v. to strike with a horse whip.
REQUIGHTrequight v. Obsolete form of requite.
REQUIGHT v. (Spenser) to requite, also REQUIT, REQUITE.
SQUARINGsquaring v. Present participle of square.
squaring n. The act or process by which something is squared (in various senses).
SQUARING n. the act of making square.
SQUEGGERsquegger n. (Electronics) An irregular oscillator, one exhibiting squegging.
SQUEGGER n. a squegging oscillator.
SQUIRINGsquiring v. Present participle of squire.
SQUIRE v. to escort.
TORQUINGtorquing v. Present participle of torque.
TORQUE v. to cause to twist.
TRUQUAGETRUQUAGE n. (French) the faking of works of art, also TRUCAGE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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