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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing G, N, S and X

COAXINGScoaxings n. Plural of coaxing.
COAXING n. the act of persuading.
DESEXINGdesexing v. Present participle of desex.
DESEX v. to remove gender attributes from.
DIGOXINSdigoxins n. Plural of digoxin.
DIGOXIN n. a drug to improve heart function.
EXCISINGexcising v. Present participle of excise.
EXCISE v. to cut off or out.
EXCUSINGexcusing v. Present participle of excuse.
excusing n. The act of making an excuse.
EXCUSE v. to free from blame or guilt.
EXIGENTSexigents n. Plural of exigent.
EXIGENT n. extremity, the last need.
EXISTINGexisting v. Present participle of exist.
existing adj. That exists, or has existence, especially that exists now.
EXIST v. to have actual being, to live.
EXPOSINGexposing v. Present participle of expose.
EXPOSE v. to lay open to view.
EXPUNGESexpunges v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of expunge.
EXPUNGE v. to delete.
HEXAGONShexagons n. Plural of hexagon.
HEXAGON n. a polygon having six sides.
LOXYGENSLOXYGEN n. liquid oxygen, also LOX.
MAGNOXESMagnoxes n. Plural of Magnox.
MAGNOX n. (tradename) an alloy of magnesium and aluminum used to make containers for fuel for nuclear reactors.
SEXTINGSSEXTING n. the act of sending text messages of a sexual nature.
TEXTINGStextings n. Plural of texting.
TEXTING n. the act of sending a text message (mobile phone).
UNSEXINGunsexing v. Present participle of unsex.
UNSEX v. to deprive of sexual power.
WAXWINGSwaxwings n. Plural of waxwing.
WAXWING n. a member of a genus of passerine birds, which have red waxlike tips to the inner wing feathers.
XYLOGENSXYLOGEN n. (Greek) a woody tissue in trees or plants, also XYLEM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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