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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing G, H, U and Y

AGUISHLYaguishly adv. (Now rare) In an aguish manner; as though suffering from ague.
AGUISH adv. having the qualities of an ague; feverish.
CHEMURGYchemurgy n. (Chemistry) a branch of applied chemistry that is concerned with preparing industrial products from…
CHEMURGY n. a branch of applied chemistry.
DOUGHBOYdoughboy n. (US) An American infantryman, especially one from World War I.
doughboy n. A kind of flour dumpling.
doughboy n. Frybread.
DRAUGHTYdraughty adj. (British spelling) Standard spelling of drafty.
DRAUGHTY adj. exposed to currents of air, also DRAFTY.
DROUGHTYdroughty adj. Lacking rain.
droughty adj. (Archaic) Dry; thirsty.
DROUGHTY adj. dry, also DROUTHY.
GAUCHELYgauchely adv. In a gauche manner.
GAUCHE adv. (French) awkward, clumsy.
HEGUMENYHEGUMENY n. the office of hegumen, the head of a monastery.
HIERURGYhierurgy n. A sacred performance.
HIERURGY n. a sacred performance.
HUNGERLYhungerly adv. (Obsolete) Hungrily.
hungerly adj. (Obsolete) Wanting food; starved.
HUNGERLY adj. (Shakespeare) hungry, hungrily.
HUNGRILYhungrily adv. In a hungry way or manner; with hunger.
HUNGRY adv. having a craving desire.
HURRYINGhurrying v. Present participle of hurry.
hurrying n. The act of one who hurries; hasty motion.
HURRYING n. the act of hurrying.
HYPOGEUMhypogeum n. An underground room or cavern (also used figuratively).
HYPOGEUM n. (Greek) an underground chamber, also HYPOGAEUM.
NYLGHAUSnylghaus n. Plural of nylghau.
NYLGHAU n. (Hindi) a large antelope, also NILGAI, NILGAU, NILGHAI, NILGHAU, NYLGHAI.
ROUGHDRYroughdry v. (Transitive) In laundry work, to dry without smoothing or ironing.
ROUGHDRY v. to dry without ironing, as washed clothes.
SPHYGMUSSPHYGMUS n. (Greek) the pulse.
THUGGERYthuggery n. The violent, criminal acts that are associated with thugs, and/or the fashion, manner of speaking, and…
THUGGERY n. thuggish behaviour.
YOGHOURTyoghourt n. Alternative spelling of yogurt.
YOGHOURT n. (Turkish) a semisolid, somewhat sour foodstuff, made from milk curdled by the addition of certain bacteria, also YAOURT, YOGHURT, YOGOURT, YOGURT.
YOGHURTSyoghurts n. Plural of yoghurt.
YOGHURT n. (Turkish) a semisolid, somewhat sour foodstuff, made from milk curdled by the addition of certain bacteria, also YAOURT, YOGHOURT, YOGOURT, YOGURT.
YOUNGISHyoungish adj. Somewhat young.
YOUNGISH adj. somewhat young.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 101 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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