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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing G, H and 2P

APOGRAPHapograph n. (Textual criticism) A copy or transcript of a manuscript (called the antigraph).
APOGRAPH n. an exact copy.
APOPHYGEapophyge n. (Architecture) A curvature found on the top or bottom of certain columns.
APOPHYGE n. (Greek) the curve where a column merges in its base or capital.
CHAPPINGchapping v. Present participle of chap.
CHAP v. to cause to crack.
CHIPPINGchipping v. Present participle of chip.
chipping n. (Countable) A fragment broken off a larger material.
chipping n. (Uncountable) The act of breaking something into small fragments, or of removing fragments from pottery etc.
CHOPPINGchopping v. Present participle of chop.
chopping n. The action by which something is chopped.
chopping adj. Shifting or changing suddenly, as the wind; also, having tumbling waves dashing against each other.
EPIGRAPHepigraph n. An inscription, especially on a building.
epigraph n. A literary quotation placed at the beginning of a book or other text.
epigraph n. (Mathematics, of a function) The set of all points lying on or above the function’s graph.
HAPPYINGhappying v. Present participle of happy.
HAPPY v. to make content.
HIPPINGSHIPPING n. (Scots) a baby's nappy wrapped around the hips, also HIPPIN, HIPPEN.
HOPPINGShoppings n. (Britain) An traditional annual fair, usually at Whitsuntide, formerly associated with livestock markets.
hoppings n. Plural of hopping.
Hoppings prop.n. Plural of Hopping.
HOPPLINGhoppling v. Present participle of hopple.
HOPPLE v. to restrain by tying the feet together, also HOBBLE.
PEMPHIGIPEMPHIGUS n. (Greek) a somewhat rare skin disease, characterized by the development of blebs upon different parts of the body, also PEMPHIX.
PROPHAGEprophage n. (Biology) The latent form of a bacteriophage in which the viral genome is inserted into the host chromosome.
PROPHAGE n. a virus that exists in a bacterial cell and undergoes division with its host without destroying it.
SHIPPINGshipping n. The transportation of goods.
shipping n. The body of ships belonging to one nation, port or industry; ships collectively.
shipping n. Passage or transport on a ship.
SHOPPINGshopping v. Present participle of shop.
shopping n. The process of buying goods or services, or searching for those suitable to buy.
shopping n. Recently bought goods.
WHAPPINGwhapping v. Present participle of whap.
WHAP v. to strike forcibly, also WHOP.
WHIPPINGwhipping n. (Countable) The punishment of being whipped.
whipping n. (Countable) A heavy defeat; a thrashing.
whipping n. (Uncountable) A cooking technique in which air is incorporated into cream etc.
WHOPPINGwhopping adj. (Colloquial) Exceptionally great or large.
whopping adv. (Colloquial) Exceedingly, extremely, very.
whopping v. Present participle of whop.
WHUPPINGwhupping v. Present participle of whup.
whupping n. (Colloquial) A beating.
whupping n. (Colloquial) A brutal defeat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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