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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing G, H, K and O

CHOCKINGchocking v. Present participle of chock.
CHOCK v. to secure with a block or wedge.
CHOOKINGCHOOK v. to make a sound like a chicken.
GOSHAWKSgoshawks n. Plural of goshawk.
GOSHAWK n. a large hawk.
GUNKHOLEgunkhole n. (Nautical) A small cove, especially a small fishing community.
gunkhole v. (Nautical) To cruise in shallow coastal waters, spending the nights in gunkholes.
gunk-hole n. Alternative spelling of gunkhole.
HIKOIINGhikoiing v. Present participle of hikoi.
HIKOI v. (Maori) to take part in a protest march.
HOCKLINGhockling v. Present participle of hockle.
HOCKLE v. (dialect) to spit.
HOGBACKShogbacks n. Plural of hogback.
HOGBACK n. an eroded, steeply tilted ridge of resistant rocks with equal slopes on the sides, also SOWBACK.
HOICKINGhoicking v. Present participle of hoick.
hoicking n. The process of gathering mucous and phlegm in the mouth and spitting it out.
HOICK v. to hitch up, also HOIK.
HOOKINGShookings n. Plural of hooking.
HOOKING n. an illegal move in hockey involving the blade of a stick.
KINGHOODkinghood n. The quality or state of being a king; kingship.
kinghood n. The state of being a king.
KINGHOOD n. the office of a king.
KOTCHINGKOTCH v. (South African) to vomit.
PAKTHONGPAKTHONG n. (Chinese) a Chinese alloy of nickel, zinc, and copper, resembling German silver, also PACKFONG, PAKFONG, PAKTONG.
SHOCKINGshocking adj. Inspiring shock; startling.
shocking adj. Unusually obscene or lewd.
shocking adj. (Colloquial) Extremely bad.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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