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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing G, 2P and U

CUPPINGcupping n. (Medicine, archaic) The operation of drawing blood to or from the surface of the person by forming a…
cupping n. (Medicine, archaic) A similar operation for drawing pus from an abscess.
cupping n. (Medicine) Fire cupping, a traditional therapeutic treatment called in which heated cupping glasses…
DUPPINGdupping v. Present participle of dup.
DUP v. (Shakespeare) to undo.
GUPPIESguppies n. Plural of guppy.
GUPPY n. a small brightly-coloured West Indian fish.
HUPPINGHUP v. to quicken the pace of a horse or turn a horse to the right (by shouting hup to it).
OPPUGNSoppugns v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of oppugn.
OPPUGN v. to assail with argument.
POPGUNSpopguns n. Plural of popgun.
pop␣guns n. Plural of pop gun.
POPGUN n. a tube for shooting pellets by compressed air; a contemptible gun.
POUPINGPOUPE v. (obsolete) to befool, to cozen, also POOP.
PULPINGpulping v. Present participle of pulp.
PULPING n. the act of reducing to pulp.
PUMPINGpumping v. Present participle of pump.
pumping n. The act by which something is pumped.
pumping n. The act of injecting silicone into the body to try to achieve a fuller or curvier look.
PUPPINGpupping v. Present participle of pup.
PUP v. to give birth to puppies.
SUPPINGsupping v. Present participle of sup.
supping n. The act of one who sups; the act of taking supper.
supping n. (Obsolete) That which is supped; broth.
TUPPINGtupping v. Present participle of tup.
TUPPING n. copulation of ram with ewe.
UPPINGSuppings n. Plural of upping.
UPPING n. the process of marking young swans for identification purposes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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