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There are 18 seven-letter words containing G, M, O and P

APOGAMYapogamy n. (Botany) Asexual reproduction of a fully formed plant directly from a bud.
APOGAMY n. a form of plant reproduction.
CAMPONGcampong n. Alternative spelling of kampong.
CAMPONG n. (Malay) a Malay village, also KAMPONG.
COMPAGEcompage n. (Obsolete) Compages; consistency, solid structure; the compaction of parts into a whole.
compage n. (Obsolete) A compages; a unified complex whole formed from the compaction of parts.
COMPAGE n. (obsolete) a system or structure of many parts united.
COMPINGcomping v. Present participle of comp.
comping n. (Informal, uncountable) The practice of entering many competitions in order to win as many prizes as possible.
comping n. (Informal, countable) musical accompaniment.
GOPURAMgopuram n. A monumental tower, usually ornate, at the entrance of a temple, especially in Southern India.
GOPURAM n. (Sanskrit) in South India, a pyramidal tower over the gateway of a temple, also GOPURA.
GUMDROPgumdrop n. A small chewy candy made with corn syrup, gelatin, and flavouring.
GUMDROP n. a type of chewy candy.
KAMPONGkampong n. (Cambodia) A landing, a port; a river town.
kampong n. Dated spelling of kampung.
KAMPONG n. (Malay) a Malay village, also CAMPONG.
MEGAPODmegapod n. Megapode.
megapod adj. Megapode.
MEGAPOD n. one of a family of birds of Australasia, including jungle fowl, brush turkey, etc., also MEGAPODE.
MOOPINGMOOP v. (Scots) to nibble, munch, also MOUP.
MOPPINGmopping v. Present participle of mop.
mopping n. The process of cleaning with a mop.
mopping n. An application of molten asphalt to a roof etc.
MOUPINGMOUP v. (Scots) to nibble, munch, also MOOP.
PIGMOIDpigmoid adj. Alternative form of pygmoid.
pigmoid n. Alternative form of pygmoid.
PIGMOID n. a pigmy.
POGROMSpogroms n. Plural of pogrom.
POGROM v. (Russian) to massacre systematically.
POLYGAMpolygam n. (Botany) A polygamous plant.
POLYGAM n. (Greek) a plant with male, female and hermaphrodite flowers together.
PROGRAMprogram n. A set of structured activities.
program n. A leaflet listing information about a play, game or other activity.
program n. (Politics) A set of principle goals which are supported by a political party or individual candidate.
PYGMOIDpygmoid adj. Resembling a Pygmy; generally, shorter than other peoples but not short enough to be considered Pygmies.
pygmoid n. A person so resembling a Pygmy, such as the Negritos of Asia and peoples of the Congo Basin with mixed…
PYGMOID n. a pygmy, also PIGMOID.
ROMPINGromping v. Present participle of romp.
romping n. The act of one who romps.
ROMP v. to play boisterously.
YOMPINGyomping v. Present participle of yomp.
YOMP v. to march with heavy equipment over difficult terrain; to cover a certain distance in this way.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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