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There are 16 seven-letter words containing G, K, S and T

GASKETSgaskets n. Plural of gasket.
GASKET n. a flat sheet or ring of rubber, asbestos, etc., inserted between two adjoining metal surfaces.
KESTINGkesting v. Present participle of kest.
KEST v. (obsolete) to cast.
KGOTLASkgotlas n. Plural of kgotla.
KGOTLA n. (Bantu) an assembly of tribal elders in Botswana, also LEKGOTLA.
KISTINGkisting v. Present participle of kist.
KIST v. (Scots) to place into a coffin.
KITBAGSkitbags n. Plural of kitbag.
kit␣bags n. Plural of kit bag.
KITBAG n. a bag for holding kit.
KITINGSkitings n. Plural of kiting.
KITING n. kite-flying.
KNIGHTSknights n. Plural of knight.
knights v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of knight.
Knights prop.n. A surname.
SKATINGskating v. Present participle of skate.
skating n. The action of moving along a surface (ice or ground) using skates.
skating n. (Uncountable) The sport of moving along a surface using skates.
SKITINGskiting v. Present participle of skite.
SKITE v. (Australian slang) to boast.
SKYTINGskyting v. Present participle of skyte.
SKYTE v. (Scots) to dart or glide.
STAKINGstaking v. Present participle of stake.
staking n. An act of stabbing with a stake.
STAKE v. to fasten with a pointed piece of wood or metal.
STOKINGstoking v. Present participle of stoke.
stoking n. The act by which something is stoked.
STOKE v. to supply a furnace with fuel.
TAKINGStakings n. Plural of taking.
TAKING n. the act of taking.
TASKINGtasking v. Present participle of task.
tasking n. (Military) A task; an assigned item of work.
TASKING n. the act of assigning a task.
TUGRIKStugriks n. Plural of tugrik.
TUGRIK n. (Mongolian) a Mongolian monetary unit, also TOGROG, TUGHRIK.
TUSKINGtusking v. Present participle of tusk.
tusking n. (Carpentry) A tusk (projecting member).
TUSKING n. the act of piercing with tusks.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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