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There are 18 seven-letter words containing G, J, N and U

GOUJONSgoujons n. Plural of goujon.
GOUJON n. (French) a small strip of fish coated with flour and deep-fried.
GURJUNSgurjuns n. Plural of gurjun.
GURJUN n. (Hindi) a thin balsam or wood oil derived from an East Indian tree, also GARJAN.
JAUKINGJAUK v. to dawdle.
JAUPINGjauping v. Present participle of jaup.
JAUP v. (Scots) to splash or spatter, also JAP.
JOUKINGjouking v. Present participle of jouk.
JOUK v. (Scots) to duck or dodge, also JOOK.
JOULINGjouling v. Present participle of joul.
JOULE v. to bump, also JOLE, JOLL, JOWL.
JUDGINGjudging v. Present participle and gerund of judge.
judging v. (Obsolete) present participle and gerund of judg.
judging n. The act of making a judgment.
JUGGINGjugging v. Present participle of jug.
jugging n. The process of stewing in an earthenware jar.
jugging n. (Criminology, slang) A crime where a suspect observes a customer at a bank or high-end store and then…
JUGGINSjuggins n. A fool; someone very credulous or easily fooled.
JUGGINS n. a simpleton.
JUICINGjuicing v. Present participle of juice.
juicing n. The process of extracting the juice from something.
JUICE v. to extract liquid from fruit or vegetables.
JUMPINGjumping adj. (Colloquial) Exuberantly active; in full swing.
jumping v. Present participle and gerund of jump.
jumping n. The act of performing a jump.
JUNGLEDjungled adj. Covered by jungle.
JUNGLED adj. abounding in jungle.
JUNGLESjungles n. Plural of jungle.
JUNGLE n. land covered with dense tropical vegetation.
JUNGLISjunglis n. Plural of jungli.
JUNGLI n. an uneducated peasant.
JUNKINGjunking v. Present participle of junk.
JUNK v. to discard as trash.
JURYINGjurying v. Present participle of jury.
JURY v. to select material for exhibition.
JUSTINGjusting v. Present participle of just.
justing n. Obsolete form of jousting.
JUST v. to tilt with lances, also GIUST, JOUST.
JUTTINGjutting v. Present participle of jut.
jutting n. That which juts or protrudes.
JUT v. to project, stick out.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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