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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 18 seven-letter words containing G, J, N and O

GOUJONSgoujons n. Plural of goujon.
GOUJON n. (French) a small strip of fish coated with flour and deep-fried.
JARGONSjargons n. Plural of jargon.
JARGON v. to use words specific to a trade or group.
JARGONYjargony adj. Typified by jargon; difficult to understand.
JARGONY adj. like jargon.
JARGOONjargoon n. A variety of zircon.
jargoon n. (UK, slang, countable) A fake ring or other jewellery sold as genuine.
JARGOON n. (French) a brilliant pale or colourless zircon.
JINGOESjingoes n. Plural of jingo.
JINGO n. a zealous patriot, also JINGOIST.
JOBBINGjobbing v. Present participle of job.
jobbing n. Buying and selling stocks or goods for profit; mercenary trading.
jobbing n. The fact or practice of using a public office or other position of trust for personal gain.
JOGGINGjogging n. The action of the verb to jog.
jogging n. The practice of running at a relatively slow pace for exercise.
jogging v. Present participle of jog.
JOININGjoining v. Present participle of join.
joining n. The act or result of joining; a joint or juncture.
JOINING n. a juncture.
JOKINGSjokings n. Plural of joking.
JOKING n. the act of making a joke.
JOLLINGjolling v. Present participle of jol.
JOLL v. (dialect) to bump, knock, also JOLE, JOULE, JOWL.
JOLTINGjolting adj. Causing or characterized by sudden abrupt movements.
jolting adj. Synonym of shocking.
jolting n. Gerund of jolt: an action or movement that jolts.
JOOKINGjooking v. Present participle of jook.
JOOK v. (Scots) to duck or dodge, also JOUK.
JOSHINGjoshing v. Present participle of josh.
JOSHING n. the act of teasing.
JOTTINGjotting v. Present participle of jot.
jotting n. A brief note or sketch.
JOTTING n. a brief note.
JOUKINGjouking v. Present participle of jouk.
JOUK v. (Scots) to duck or dodge, also JOOK.
JOULINGjouling v. Present participle of joul.
JOULE v. to bump, also JOLE, JOLL, JOWL.
JOWLINGjowling n. (Obsolete) A mediaeval sport resembling hockey.
JOWL v. to bump, also JOLE, JOLL, JOULE.
MAHJONGmahjong n. A game (originally Chinese) for four players, using a collection of tiles divided into five or six suits.
mahjong n. A solitaire game using the same tiles, where the player wins by removing pairs of matching exposed tiles…
mah-jong n. Alternative spelling of mahjong.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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