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There are 20 seven-letter words containing G, I, U and V

CURVINGcurving v. Present participle of curve.
curving n. A shape or motion that curves.
curving adj. That curves or curve.
DIVULGEdivulge v. (Transitive) To make public or known; to communicate to the public; to tell (information, especially…
divulge v. To indicate publicly; to proclaim.
DIVULGE v. to reveal.
LUVVINGluvving v. Present participle of luv.
LUV v. (colloquial) to love.
OUTGIVEoutgive v. (Transitive) To surpass in giving; to give more than.
OUTGIVE v. to give more than.
VAGITUSvagitus n. The crying of a newborn baby.
VAGITUS n. (Latin) a cry or wail.
VAGUINGvaguing v. Present participle of vague.
VAGUE v. to be vague.
VAGUISHvaguish adj. Somewhat vague.
VAGUISH adj. somewhat vague.
VALUINGvaluing v. Present participle of value.
VALUE v. to estimate the worth of.
VAUTINGvauting v. Present participle of vaut.
VAUTE v. (obsolete) to vault, also VAUT, VAWTE.
VICUGNAvicugna n. Alternative spelling of vicuna.
Vicugna prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Camelidae – the vicunas.
VICUGNA n. (Quechua) a wild wool-bearing llama-like animal of the Andes, also VICUNA.
VIDUAGEviduage n. Widowhood.
viduage n. Widows generally.
VIDUAGE n. (Latin) widowhood; widows collectively.
VIGOURSvigours n. Plural of vigour.
VIGOUR n. active strength or force, also VIGOR.
VIRGULEvirgule n. (Typography, obsolete or historical) A medieval punctuation mark similar to the slash ⟨/⟩ or pipe ⟨|⟩…
virgule n. (Typography, dated) A slash, ⟨/⟩ or ⟨/⟩, particularly (literature) in its use to mark line breaks within…
virgule n. (Typography, dated) A pipe, ⟨|⟩, particularly (poetry) in its use to mark metrical feet.
VOGUIERVOGUEY adj. in vogue.
VOGUINGvoguing n. (Dance) A stylized form of modern dance characterized by photographic-style poses integrated with angular…
VOGUING n. performing to pop music, also VOGUEING.
VOGUISHvoguish adj. Elegant, fashionable or chic.
voguish adj. Trendy.
VOGUISH adj. fashionable.
VUGGIERVUGGY adj. abounding in vugs, also VUGHY.
VUGHIERVUGHY adj. abounding in vugs, also VUGGY.
VULNINGvulning v. Present participle of vuln.
VULN v. to wound; pierce with a weapon.
VUMMINGvumming v. Present participle of vum.
VUM v. to vow.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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