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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 17 seven-letter words containing G, I, T and Z

AGATIZEagatize v. (Transitive) To convert a living thing into the form of an agate; to fossilize.
AGATIZE v. to cause to resemble agate, also AGATISE.
EGOTIZEegotize v. To talk or write as an egotist.
EGOTIZE v. to talk about oneself a lot, also EGOTISE.
FUTZINGfutzing v. Present participle of futz.
FUTZ v. (Yiddish) to spend time aimlessly.
GAZIESTGAZY adj. given to gazing.
GENIZOTgenizot n. Plural of genizah.
GENIZAH n. (Hebrew) a room in a synagogue.
GLITZEDGLITZ v. to make something glitzy, more attractive.
GLITZESglitzes n. Plural of glitz.
GLITZ v. to make something glitzy, more attractive.
PUTZINGputzing v. Present participle of putz.
PUTZ v. to waste time.
TEAZINGteazing v. Present participle of teaze.
teazing n. Archaic form of teasing.
TEAZE v. (obsolete) to tease, also TOAZE, TOSE, TOZE.
TOAZINGTOAZE v. (Shakespeare) to tease out, draw out, also TEASE, TEAZE, TOSE, TOZE.
TOUZINGtouzing v. Present participle of touze.
TOUZE v. to dishevel, rumple, also TOUSE, TOUSLE, TOUZLE, TOWSE, TOWZE.
TOWZINGtowzing v. Present participle of towze.
TOWZE v. to dishevel, rumple, also TOUSE, TOUSLE, TOUZE, TOUZLE, TOWSE.
TZIGANEtzigane n. (Sometimes offensive) A Hungarian Gypsy (Romani person).
TZIGANE n. (Hungarian) a gypsy, also TSIGANE, TZIGANY, ZIGAN.
TZIGANYtzigany n. Alternative spelling of tzigane.
TZIGANY n. (Hungarian) a gypsy, also TSIGANE, TZIGANE, ZIGAN.
ZESTINGzesting v. Present participle of zest.
ZEST v. to give zest to.
ZORGITEzorgite n. A composite mineral containing umangite, clausthalite, and other minerals.
ZORGITE n. a metallic copper-lead selenide.
ZYGOTICzygotic adj. (Biology) Of, pertaining to or existing as a zygote.
ZYGOTIC adj. pertaining to a zygote, a cell formed by the union of two gametes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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