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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 20 seven-letter words containing G, 2I and U

AUGITICaugitic adj. Containing augite.
AUGITIC adj. pertaining to, or like, augite, one of the pyroxene group of minerals.
BIGUINEbiguine n. (Music) A style of music that originated in Martinique in the 19th century, combining the traditional…
BIGUINE n. (French) a dance of French West Indian origin, also BEGUINE.
GUIDINGguiding v. Present participle of guide.
guiding n. Guidance.
guiding n. Girl Guiding.
GUILINGguiling v. Present participle of guile.
GUILE v. to beguile, also GUYLE.
GUISINGguising v. Present participle of guise.
guising n. (Historical) A festival at which people disguised themselves in costumes and often played pranks.
GUISING n. (Scots) a survival of mumming, where children dress up and go from house to house.
IGUANIDiguanid n. (Zoology) Any lizard of the family Iguanidae.
IGUANID n. any member of the iguana family.
IMBUINGimbuing v. Present participle of imbue.
IMBUE v. to inspire with.
INDUINGinduing v. Present participle of indue.
INDUE v. to provide with, also ENDUE, INDEW.
INURINGinuring v. Present participle of inure.
INURE v. to accustom oneself to accept unpleasant things.
ISSUINGissuing v. Present participle of issue.
issuing n. The act by which something is issued.
issuing n. That which issues from a source.
JUICINGjuicing v. Present participle of juice.
juicing n. The process of extracting the juice from something.
JUICE v. to extract liquid from fruit or vegetables.
PINGUIDpinguid adj. Relating to fat.
PINGUID adj. fat; greasy.
PINGUINpinguin n. Obsolete form of penguin (“the bird, or the plant”).
PINGUIN n. a flightless aquatic bird, also PENGUIN.
PIQUINGpiquing v. Present participle of pique.
PIQUE v. (French) to arouse anger or resentment.
QUIRINGquiring v. Present participle of quire.
Quiring prop.n. A surname.
QUIRE v. to sing in concert.
QUITINGQUITE v. to depart from or stop, also QUIT.
RUININGruining v. Present participle of ruin.
ruining n. The act or process by which something is ruined.
RUINING n. the act of ruining.
SUITINGsuiting v. Present participle of suit.
suiting n. Fabric for making suits.
SUITING n. fabric for making suits.
UNITINGuniting v. Present participle of unite.
uniting n. The act by which things are united; the formation of a union.
UNITING n. the state of uniting.
URININGurining v. Present participle of urine.
URINE v. to discharge a liquid containing body wastes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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